20 Web Development Blogs You Should Follow Right Now!

Looking for some good web development blogs? Here’s your article!

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty,” said Henry Ford, the founder of the famous Ford Moto Company. Indeed, facing the rapid development of technologies over a few decades, web developers almost need to keep well-informed unless they want to be left behind.

Apart from traditional means of acquiring knowledge such as taking online courses or learning from practical projects, both novices and experienced engineers can equip themselves with the latest news and trends through various web development blogs.

The Top Web Development Blogs that You Should Bookmark!

However, readers sometimes feel overwhelmed and perplexed by the mass of content out there and do not know which blog is the best for them to start. Therefore, this article today will list top web development blogs built systematically by various professional writers in the world.

Web Development Blogs You Should Follow

1. Designveloper

Designveloper not only can this software development powerhouse create high-quality software products. But they have also been writing hundreds of articles with insightful knowledge and use cases.

Designveloper team

They write mostly about web development, app development, and other trending topics you might want to know to master your profession whether you are a front-end developer, back-end developer, or a project manager, etc.

1. 5 Best Javascript Books That You Can’t Avoid From Beginning
2. 10 Best Resources to Learn Javascript for Beginners in 2022
3. Why Learn Javascript Help You Make a Lot of Money in 2022
4. What Is ECMAScript and the 5 Latest ECMAScript Features

2. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a German-based blog yet written in English. And frequently contributed by many tech experts. However, some readers can relate to a news site that produces articles, books, and guides mostly on front-end coding (e.g. CSS, HTML, JavaScript, or React), WordPress, Drupal, and other topics including UI and UX, mobile app development or Photoshop.

Web Development Blogs
Smashing Magazine – well-known web development and design blog (Source: Smashing Magazine)

What strikes readers in Smashing Magazine is that it has separate guides for beginners who want to learn about CSS layout, JavaScript and its frameworks, or how to build an accessible and fast site or web app.

Besides, web developers can approach smaller aspects of web development through articles written by professionals, such as how to use styled components in React or better handle error classes in Node.js.

If reading is boring, why don’t you listen to podcasts in which valuable information will be shared by veterans or join events held online and offline?

1. A Bird-Eye View of React vs React Native: Key Points in 2022
2. Flutter vs React Native: Which One is Better for Business?
3. What Are the Best React Native App Examples in 2022?
4. Why Choose React Native for Your Mobile App Like Bloomberg or AirBnB?
5. Top 10 Best React Native Courses For Beginners
6. Top 7 Best Resources to Learn React JS for Free
7. Meteor Deep Dive: Reactive Programming With Tracker
8. Structure Container Components React Meteor Best Practices

3. SitePoint

SitePoint is an exclusive hub for web developers. It produces articles focusing mostly on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, and Responsive Web Design which are clearly classified and easily searched. Yet its contents now extend to mobile and business-related fields.

Like Smashing Magazine, you can easily find relevant books, courses, or talks with little or no charge. Additionally, the attraction of this blog is its big support community in which you can get quick responses to queries on sub-fields of web development.

Recommended reading: 5 Tips To Choose The Right Web Development Certificate in 2022

4. CSS-Tricks

Being created by Chris Coyier in 2007, CSS-Tricks originally only talked about CSS and HTML as well. But when the author kicked off with JavaScript afterward, the blog now deals with a variety of topics on JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks.

The site is very up-to-date and draws a much wider readership thanks to articles and videos that guide developers to enhance web performance, develop extensible components, and more. CSS-Tricks also impresses its readers with an Almanac where all fundamental properties and patterns of CSS can be found.

1. How to create a Basic Plugin by jQuery?
2. 12 Free HTML5 Resources to Learn for Newbies
3. 5 Best PHP Courses to Become a Master
4. Python Best Practices: The 7 Steps That Help You Master

5. David Walsh

David Walsh is a senior web developer and front-end engineer of Mozilla. So browsing his private blog, developers can easily find popular topics on HTML5, JavaScript, and other tech stacks like jQuery or MySQL.

As David always values practice over theory, his practical and valuable sharing can help others to have better insights into front-end coding through tutorials, tips, or demos. 

6. John Resig

John Resig is the father of jQuery and Python, the most famous JavaScript library. And it also initiated various JavaScript projects that have significantly contributed to web design trends.

Although the author stopped updating blog posts in 2016, his shared knowledge from individual experience as a JavaScript expert, digital humanities research, and talks are still helpful until now.

7. Paul Irish

Paul Irish is another individual blog that shares the experience of a front-end engineer working on the Google Chrome team and developing tools such as Modernizr, Yeoman, CSS3 Please, and HTML5 Boilerplate to promote the workflows of developers.

From sharing articles that can be easily followed in Blog Archives. You will grow a skill base that revolved around accessibility, Chrome Canary, or Node debugging. However, pitifully, the author seems too busy to continue publishing new content on his blog.

Recommended reading: UI vs UX Design: Definition and Why This Comparison Should Not Exist?

8. Simple Programmer

Simple Programmer is a variant of a web development blog. Not only talking about professional knowledge in full-stack development terms, but the website also helps web developers or even software engineers to look at everything in the tech world from a slightly different perspective.

Particularly, you can learn how to keep motivated during a coding Bootcamp. Rediscover the joy of computer programming languages or even work from home effectively during quarantine time. The blog is regularly updated, but articles are not categorized. So searching for desired topics is not easy.

9. DZone

Web Development Blogs, dzone
DZone – one of the top web development blogs in 2020 (Source: DZone)

DZone covers a massive range of topics on full-stack developers, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud technologies, DevOps, or Artificial intelligence. The slight difference between this blog lies in its allowance to freely register as a member and then post new articles. DZone acts more academically when either undertaking studies on technological advancements and respective challenges, or organizing webinars recorded by tech leaders and pioneers.

Read Designveloper’s articles that are featured on DZone now:

1. Top 7 Best Software Outsourcing Companies in 2022
2. What is Big O Notation?
3. What Is Data Structure and Their Applications?
4. Web Application Architecture: Types, Components, and Tools to Creates

10. CodePen Blog

CodePen Blog, one of the best front-end coding blogs (Source: CodePen)

Being built by Chris Coyier and Alex Vasquez for front-end designers and developers. CodePen shares knowledge and helps them to implement demo projects in practice. The highlight of the whole browser is it builds a social environment to directly write and practice code on the site. Mainly on front-end coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Having said that, its blog contains information on not only front-end tech stacks but also back-end technologies like Golang or Ruby on Rails. 

Like Smashing Magazine, it also produces written posts and podcasts. But they are not clearly classified and not easily searched on the bar.

11. CSS Author

Similar to other front-end developers coding blogs. CSS Author is regularly updated with blog posts on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and Content Management systems (CMS) like Drupal or Magento.

Visiting this website, designers and developers can be offered freebies. Such as mock-ups or templates to work with Photoshop or WordPress.

12. Code.tutsplus+

Code.tutsplus blog is a part of Envato Tuts+, a USA-based learning platform. Similar to Smashing Magazine, it looks more like a tutorial and news site than a pure blog. Yet very helpful and is contributed by many professionals. It provides in-depth guides, tutorials, and even books on web development, WordPress, and other web development languages (e.g. PHP, HTML, or CSS).

Like other blogs, the site gives introductions to newbies who want to know React, Matter.js, and many more. But they are hard to be searched in the GUIDES section. Meanwhile, although a forum is built for information exchange, not all articles receive a quick response.

Similarly, you have to struggle to find articles regarding a certain tech stack, for example, Angular, Mongoose, or TypeScript. Because its search system does not allow you to find all related posts on any particular technology.

13. CodeCondo

CodeCondo is another example of a blog that contains a rich mix of content on business, lifestyle, mobile development, and different smaller fields of technology.

Articles on full-stack web development, web design, and web app security. WordPress is also frequently posted and obviously categorized.

14. Feedspot

If you are interested in finding out more blogs like these, our pal. Feedspot also has a list featuring all the best software development blogs, websites, and influencers.

15. Codrops

Codrops is a website and blog that is all about web design and development. Its goal is to give its readers helpful lessons and articles about the latest changes in the field. This website is different because most of its pages are instructional videos that show web developers of all kinds how to do different tasks.

Their walkthroughs are long, cover a lot of different topics, and are easy to follow. They have a lot of embedded pictures, videos of experiments, and lines of code that show how they work. This website is where you should go if you want to learn cool things like how to make infinite circular galleries, kinetic typography, glitch effects, and more. To give you an example, Codrops regularly posts roundups like Inspirational Websites Roundup and UI Interactions & Animations Roundup to help you get ideas.

16. A List Apart

A List Apart talks about a wide range of topics, such as coding, content, design, and even the business side of the web development and technology industries. Also, they offer a lot of helpful tips on things like how to process data with JavaScript, how to decode HTML, and even how to make websites easier for people who use screen readers to get around on.

Most of the content is opinion pieces, which cover things like career advice, predictions for the future, and the effects of technology on the environment. This website is great for people who aren’t directly involved in web development because it helps them get ready for working together, learn about common practices, and be able to spot frauds during the hiring process.

17. Scotch.io

Scotch.io is a blog about web development. It has a lot of articles, courses, and tutorials that are meant to keep web developers of all skill levels interested in the topic. This website has a lot of posts with instructions on a wide range of subjects, from JavaScript to PHP. They also offer a wide range of interesting courses that can help you take your coding skills to the next level and only take a small amount of your time.

You’ll also find posts and articles that teach you about non-relational databases and how to handle mixed workloads, as well as how to get over deployment anxiety. Also, the “News” section of this web development blog is always updated with the latest business trends and developments, another great feature.

NOTE: Scotch.io recently joined the DigitalOcean community in 2019, which is a place as devoted to developer education as the former

18. Joel On Software

Joel on Software is a personal blog that experienced software engineer Joel Spolsky has written. Spolsky made the Stack Exchange network and the project management software Trello. He not only gives his opinion on the process of making software, but also on business, project management, recruitment, and how to get started in the technology field. In addition, he provides theoretical and practical career advice.

Every time Joel writes a new entry for his blog, he adds a healthy dose of his own personality by sharing insights, anecdotes, and vignettes from his life as a programmer, as well as a healthy dose of humor and realism. There are more than a thousand helpful articles on there. Anyone, from programmers and tech, leads to project managers, CEOs, and recruiters, can find content that is useful to them. 

19. CodeNewbie

This blog is the right place to visit if you’re new to code and want to learn about many different parts of web development, as the name suggests. This website is a place for people who are just starting out in the field of coding to get together online.

CodeNewbie gives its users a clear look into the lives of web developers and is a place where people can read about career advice and listen to podcasts about people’s experiences learning to code. CodeNewbie also gives an open look at what web developers do every day.

At first, CodeNewbie was a weekly Twitter chat where people who were just starting out in coding could meet and talk. Even though they still have a weekly #CodeNewbie TwitterChat every Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), the group has grown into a welcoming, international group of people who are learning to code.

20. Learn with Jason

Learn with Jason was made by web developer Jason Lengstorf so that he could help other web developers build successful careers. But Jason is not the sole contributor.

There are a lot of developers and authors who publish articles there on a variety of topics to help other developers learn from them. They offer ways to learn, like tutorials, blogs, videos, quick tips, and other useful tools that can help you learn more about web development. 

As for Jason himself, he comes live every Tuesday and Thursday for 90 minutes to teach students about something new related to web technology.

Most of the best web development blogs here primarily focus on front-end coding. In addition to professional experience shared by reputable contributors. You can learn about other aspects of a developer’s life and pastime, since then finding incentives in pursuit of web development.

The post 20 Web Development Blogs You Should Follow Right Now! appeared first on Designveloper.

August 29, 2022 at 11:35AM

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