The future of Learning with EdTech

As many countries around the world had to impose nationwide lockdowns in an attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, educational institutions had to seek alternative ways to continue teaching and learning.

Technology in education is not a new trend, but in the wake of the global pandemic, it has truly gained its momentum. It was all those e-learning platforms, online courses, chatbots, and virtual assistants, electronic textbooks, and myriads and myriads of personal gadgets that helped the education system to keep going.

What Is Educational Technology?

Though EdTech places a strong emphasis on technology, the tools it utilizes are not restricted solely to high-tech appliances. It does include state-of-the-art devices like laptops, interactive whiteboards, overhead projectors, iPads, and cell phones. It also encompasses an array of software developments, such as mobile apps, computer programs, cloud-based services, and games.

EdTech is a practice aimed to improve the educational process through the development, application, and management of various tech tools and media resources. However, it should not be thought of as being synonymous with them.

What Is the Role of Edtech?

As EdTech is concerned with the ongoing search for new and effective ways of organizing the teaching-learning process, it can be used as a springboard to propel industry transformation. Educational technology already offers a wide range of products and solutions that can help universities, schools, and training centers to improve productivity both on the instructor and learner’s side.

Modern forms of knowledge acquisition go far beyond conventional classroom experience, so the education system has to adapt to the demanding needs of society. This crisis has highlighted how important it is to ensure the continuity of the educational process under any circumstances.

In addition to facilitating non-stop training and improving performance, EdTech may have other potential implications both in the fields of teaching and knowledge acquisition. And technology can help to create a connected environment that will link students to their teachers and educational content wherever they are and any time they need them.

For Educators

Educational tech is also a massive driver of redefining the role of the teacher altogether. And EdTech has the capacity to reduce teachers’ workload. It offers solutions that can abridge some of the most time-consuming processes, like lesson planning, grading, and record-keeping.

With the aid of digital content and tools, educators are moving away from being the dispensers of ageless wisdom who attempt to hammer the concepts into their students’ heads. There are also special apps and platforms that monitor students’ progress and identify the areas of improvement. The data is then relayed to educators who craft a proactive and personalized plan to help that is meticulously tailored to different learning styles and proficiency levels. Just like their students, educators also have to deal with the chores that divert them from their main mission.

For Students

Students can work together on home assignments, complete group projects, create and co-edit blog posts, podcasts, or videos. To succeed in the ever-changing global environment, students should also develop their resilience and adaptability skills. EdTech equips people with life skills they are going to need for their future. Technology saves students demanding and tedious tasks that often impede their progress.

Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobile software developments, VR and AR-aided solutions, and robotics are already shaping the way we’ll live and work over the next decades. It means that today’s learners must already acquire the know-how to utilize all those new tech appliances to thrive in the upcoming labor market. Experts at DoMyEssay can make any writing assignment an absolute breeze.

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