6 Arguments in Favor of a Career in UX/UI Design

These days, UX and UI design is all we hear about. With easy access to so many resources that study the design field, there’s a golden opportunity for everyone to work in this field. UX/UI design is dynamic, creative, and most importantly – a highly demanded skill on a global level. Are you interested in a career in UX/UI design?

There’s work for everyone in design. A whopping 70% of business leaders see UX and UI as competitive differentiators. Most companies look for designers to make their sites and products more attractive to users.

If you are considering becoming a UX designer, you will need to invest time and effort into this, just like in any other career. But, if you do this, it will be worth it. More and more people pick this path for themselves, and some even switch careers to work in the design field.

The 6 Arguments in Favor of a Career in UX/UI Design

The UX/UI industry is predicted to grow even more in the years that follow. In CNN Money’s Best Jobs in America report of 2015, experts estimated a growth of 18% by 2025.

Still, need some convincing? Let’s go through the list of top 6 arguments in favor of a career in UX/UI design.

Argument no. 1: The high UI designer salary

The number one reason why many choose to work in this field is the high UI designer salary. UXCel, a trending website that trains and prepares designers, has narrowed down the numbers for you. On average, UX/UI designers in the US earn $80,000, with the lowest reported salary of $45,000 and the highest of $145,000. 

This, of course, depends on the reputation and experience of the candidate. 

What does this mean for you?

It means that not only will you start with a solid salary, but as you develop your skills and grow your reputation, you can earn a fortune by working as a designer

It’s no wonder that companies pay designers so much. The return on their investment is bigger than anything else. Quality UX and UI design work can bring businesses tremendous amounts of money. The ROI on UX investments is 9,900%.

Argument no. 2: This field is never boring

Design is a fascinating field to work in. There are hardly many fields of study that will continue to tickle your intellect after you get employed in the field of UX and UI design. UX and UI designers don’t have a dull day in their careers. With endless design opportunities, diverse goals, and a mixture of different disciplines, this field is never boring. 

As a matter of fact, many will argue that to be good at UX design you need to have knowledge of UI and vice versa. UI and UX are intertwined in many ways, trying to influence people’s behaviors and experiences. That being said, you’ll be able to learn something from both during your career in UX/UI design, not to mention that the trends in this field are changing almost every day!

 UI and UX are intertwined in many ways, trying to influence people’s behaviors and experiences.

A typical day for a designer can include an array of tasks. They could plan research strategies, analyze the gathered data, conduct interviews, design wireframes, make presentations, test prototypes, tweak the website design, etc. 

Every day, designers work with other marketing experts and developers, visual designers, and other creatives that make the team of a company.

If you are a person that loves being challenged in their work, this is the perfect field for you. Unlike other career paths where you use what you learned in school and hardly ever change your work process, UX and UI design require constant experimenting and a great deal of creativity. 

As we said, it never gets boring!

Argument no. 3: Diverse work opportunities

UX/UI design is a very broad term. A person that specializes in this can handle a variety of tasks, or focus on a single one. This means that you’d have diverse work opportunities based on what skills you develop. 

You can work at a company optimizing the experience of their users, or work remotely as a UX designer in a freelance capacity for different organizations. There’s also the matter of what you’ll do as a designer. Will you be a visual or a product designer? Will you work as an information architect or focus on customer experience designs? Will your tasks include UX research and content strategy, or will your job be a service designer?

As you can see, this is a very broad, very innovative field. As such, it presents experts with endless possibilities for finding work, as well as growth and development. 

Argument no. 4: Unlimited access to learning resources

From free guides and YouTube videos to free/paid courses and university programs online, those interested in UX/UI design have unlimited access to learning resources. This is without factoring in the massive number of design books you can buy or websites you can learn on.

Argument no. 4: Unlimited access to learning resources

If you’ve decided to work in this field, you can learn an awful lot without enrolling in expensive programs or even leaving your home to go to classes. A quick search online will provide you with dozens of blogs, websites, podcasts, channels, ebooks, and courses, all of which will help you progress in your new career further. 

One great place to get started is UXCel, the site that will provide you with quality materials at a highly affordable price.

Argument no. 5: It’s a highly creative, logical field

One of the most appealing aspects of this field is the combination of logic and creativity required to get the job done. If you are a person that loves a challenge and enjoys creating great things from scratch, this is a great career for you. You can learn and develop technical expertise along the way, but most UX and UI design is logic and creativity. 

The idea of UX and UI design is to use logic, creativity, and the right tools to provide practical solutions that meet the needs of the targeted audience. Designers work to create something unique and attractive, but also something that screams usability and functionality.

Argument no. 5: It’s a highly creative, logical field

Just imagine – your job will be to create new designs and use colors, visuals, navigation elements, and other creative things to enhance the experience of the users. There are endless possibilities for all this, so every design you ever create can be completely different from the last one.

For creative people, this job is a dream come true.

Argument no. 6: You can make an impact

If you work as a UX/UI designer, you’ll get to solve problems for your clients and their customers. Those day-to-day, small problems people face on websites or with products might seem irrelevant, but they are very frustrating and add up to a lot. 

When the design of a client is bad, small mistakes can cause people to leave their site and never come back. Approximately 88% of consumers never go back to a website that has a bad design. By fixing this, you’d be providing the visitor with the information they need, when they need it without problems, and you’ll provide your clients with a way to retain more customers at the same time.

website design

In other words, you’ll be making an impact.

As you know, both the user interface and user design are focused on the person using the design. The task of designers is to make the experience as pleasant as possible. For example, you’d be helping the elderly by offering larger-sized text that they could read without having to zoom in. 

By adding a CTA, you’ll show people where to go to fulfill their needs. 

By adding a search field, you’d be helping busy people find what they are looking for within seconds instead of losing their valuable time searching.

By adding subtitles, designers are helping people with disabilities and those that cannot understand accents or aren’t as fluent in the language of a video. 

By adding a simple navigation menu at the top of the homepage, they’ll be offering people a chance to learn what the company offers without having to read through pages of content. 

The list goes on and on. The point is, if you know your job well and use research to figure out what users need, you can help them by providing them with it. Designers have a lot of power to help others these days, which makes this a fulfilling and highly-demanded job.

Are You Ready to Join the UX/UI Design World?

If you are ready for this journey, get started today! A career in UX and UI design is filled with possibilities for high-paid work and growth. This is one of the most creative job paths you can choose with the option to work from any location, and develop gradually with practice and endless learning resources.

There’s no better time than today to start exploring the world of design. The demand for experts in UX and UI is only growing, so get started right now and you can join a career in UX/UI design very soon!

The post 6 Arguments in Favor of a Career in UX/UI Design appeared first on Designveloper.

September 26, 2022 at 11:10PM

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