8 Tips to choose a Web Design Company

Many business owners are wise enough to know that some things are best left to the professionals and would prefer the peace of mind that choosing the right web design company brings. One of the hardest things for many business owners is launching a new website. There’s a lot of important things to consider when choosing a web design company to market your business.

1. The Design Team Knows The Importance Of Conversions

A good web design agency includes a team of experts who know how to convert your website traffic into leads. A web design company has to know a lot more than how to make a pretty website. A “pretty-makes-visitors-buy” philosophy doesn’t work in today’s world.

Your design team needs to use proven methods to create your site and scientific data to improve it and increase conversions. That means they know about proper design layout, information architecture, usage patterns, calls to action and even color psychology.

2. They Have A Proven Track Record & Aren’t Going Anywhere

You want a company that’s been around long enough to be sustainable and one that plans to be in business for the long-haul, better yet, one that plans to grow. Every year there are tons of new design companies that start up and just as many that shut their doors. A true test of a web design company’s ability is their longevity. The internet changes extremely fast. You need a web design company that stays on top of these changes for you, so you can focus managing your business- not them. It’s risky to trust a fly-by-night web design company that probably won’t be around in a year.

If they aren’t adapting and staying in front of leading-edge technology, like using HTML sites or discouraging the use of a CMS, it may be an early sign that they are in danger. The more talent and experience that a design company has, the more they’ve had to evolve and adapt to all of the new trends that the internet goes through.

3. They Have Case Studies (Or At least A Portfolio)

What’s the best way to know what to expect from a web design company or marketing agency? Review real projects they have worked on and experience the live product. Don’t trust screenshots of homepages or mockups of design work for unlikely brands (like the coffee shop freelancer showing a Nike website). You want to see real websites they’ve made, that are publicly accessible. If they will share information about the goals and strategy that are in play, it’s even better.

Web design companies are hired to build a website, they tend to build the website and move on to the next client, therefore they typically show a portfolio. Take the time to look through their work and judge their progress. If you don’t see anything you like, they’re not going to be a good fit. Don’t worry, just ask them to see real-life examples. Also, be aware that as you move up to more exclusive companies it is normal for their client list to be more restrictive and even protected.

4. The Use Responsive Web Design

If a web design agency isn’t well-versed in responsive design or suggests a separate mobile website is always better, then they haven’t caught up with the times and probably aren’t the right fit for you or anyone else for that matter. Responsive web design is not a fad and it isn’t going anywhere. It is simply the best way to design a website these days. Google has even gone on record and said so. As mobile usage continues to grow, you need to be sure your business website is optimized for every device. While there are some cases where a separate mobile site might have some advantages, responsive web design is generally the preferred solution.

5. They Know How To Use A CMS

Any web design agency worth anything at all is familiar with the best content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, and Magento. A quick sign that the web design company is stuck in the stone age, is if they discourage a Content Management System. If your designer recommends a static HTML website, then you need to find a time machine and return to this decade. If they suggest Wix, Squarespace, or Weebly, politely thank them for their time and move on to a web design company that does not use “10-minute-do-it-at-home” software. Without it, you’ll be at a significant disadvantage in the marketplace.

6. They Have An Experienced Marketing Team

For everyone else, if you want your website to grow your business, then make sure to choose a web design company that has marketing experience. A web design agency without a marketing team is like a Ferrari without an engine. Sometimes, people don’t want their website to grow their business. Believe it or not, some people think they want their site to just sit “out there.” If you’re in that very small number of people, then this may not mean much to you.

Yeah, it may look great, but it’s not going to go anywhere or do anything. When a web company has designers, developers, and marketers, you can be confident that the finished product will be more than just a pretty paperweight- it will get results. The internet has evolved and it takes active digital marketing to make your website perform. You need something that doesn’t just look pretty, it must work.

7. They Bring Up Their Own Ideas

In fact, we suggest taking this a step further, your website needs to be designed by someone who knows conversion-focused web design. While it’s important for your web designer to listen to you, you need to work with someone who will challenge your opinions and bring an outside point of view to your idea, concepts, and strategy. If a web design agency does nothing but nod their heads and produce an exact replica of whatever you say, then you aren’t getting your money’s worth. You may know your business, but your website needs to be designed by someone who knows design.

8. They Listen To Your Ideas

Your marketing agency needs to be able to perfect your ideas, improve upon them, and put them into action. You’re an expert in your industry. As such, you know what you’re selling, and you have some idea of how you want to present your business/product to them. No one knows your business better than you do. If a web design company doesn’t listen to your ideas or isn’t open-minded enough to see how to market it, then you probably shouldn’t work with them.

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