Build an AI-powered chatbot

If you’re interested in learning more about AI, Josh Clark, the founder of Big Medium, will be exploring the critical role for designers in AI products at Generate New York (April 24-25). To book your ticket to this award-winning conference for web designers, visit

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables us to create new ways of looking at existing problems, from rethinking environmental strategies to how we learn. Your projects – whether apps, web sites or games – can leverage AI to make them more engaging, easier to use and have more valuable results. One such method involves creating a natural-language chatbot to help users interact with your site.

To create your first chatbot, we’ll use Google’s new Dialogflow toolset. It harnesses powerful machine learning as well as speech-to-text. It can be incorporated right into your website as a widget or customised to your needs.

01. Create an account

Go to and create your account. Sign in and agree to the permissions to enable Dialogflow to have access to your account.

02. Create an agent

Dialogflow uses the term ‘agent’ to represent instances of your AI. Think of the agent as the virtual intelligence you are creating. You could have many agents working for you, each with its own personality and purpose.

Click on the ‘Create Agent’ button and enter a name for your agent: ‘HAL 9000’.

03. Create an intent

First, you need to create an Intent. We are defining the ‘intention’ of the user’s inputs. Click ‘Create Intent’ and name it ‘open doors’. Press ‘Save’.

04. Train the AI for this intent

Train the AI for an intent by providing phrases that a user might use

Train the AI for this intent by providing phrases that a user might use. The NLP AI will use these and derived variations to train the agent. Add the following training phrases in the ‘Training phrases’ window and add as many of your own as you like:
  • ‘Open the Pod bay doors, Hal.’
  • ‘Open the doors.’
  • ‘Let me in, Hal!’

05. Add responses

Next, you need to add some responses that the agent will respond with. You enter these in the ‘Responses’ window. Try out some like this:
  • ‘I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.’
  • ‘I can’t do that right now.’
Then press ‘Add Responses’ and ‘Save’ up at the top again. You’ll see notifications that the agent is being trained and then it is ready.

06. Test out the chatbot

On the right-hand side of the screen is a testing tool. The chatbot will use Google’s speech-to-text service to translate your voice into text if you try that out. You should see the results of your request and the response the AI agent selected. Very cool!

07. Create and use an entity

Entities are concepts that can be defined and reused in the agent’s responses as variables. Let’s train the AI to understand when a user is expressing an emotion then use that in its response to the user.

On the left-hand menu, click ‘Entities’. Type ‘emotion’ for the name of your new entity. Keep ‘Define synonyms’ checked. Click in the table below and type ‘angry’ as the first emotion. Then click to the right of that and add synonyms such as ‘mad’, ‘upset’, and so on. Then add another entry for ‘scared’ and use synonyms ‘afraid,’ ‘terrified’, etc., that you like. Press ‘Save’ when done.

This has now trained the Agent to understand that ‘angry’ and ‘scared’ are emotions a user may communicate. All those synonyms are variations that might occur. The AI will generate some as well.

08. Create a new intent

Now we are going to create a new intent to use the ‘emotion’ entity we have created. Call this intent ‘emotions’ and click ‘Save’.

Next add new training phrases such as ‘you’re scaring me’, ‘you’re making me mad’, and ‘I’m very angry,’ using variations of angry and scared keywords. This will train the agent to understand the various ways that a user may phrase this emotional statement.

You’ll notice the system highlights the scared and angry words for you. It’s already flagging these as entities. It has also added an entry into the ‘Actions and parameters’ window. This enables you to use these entities in your responses, too. 

09. Add a response using the new ‘emotion’ entity

In the Responses window, add new responses that use this new entity. Note the ‘$’ to denote the ‘$emotion’ Entity. Try adding these responses:
  • ‘I am sorry you are feeling $emotion, Dave.’
  • ‘Feeling $emotion is a human response, Dave.’
Click ‘Add Responses’ and press the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen to save the entire Intent.

10. Test your chatbot again

Try saying or typing the following phrases in the testing tool.
  • ‘You’re making me very angry Hal.’
  • ‘You’re freaking me out.‘
Notice how it responded using ‘scared’ with the second one? It used our synonym, ‘freaked out’ to know that we meant scared. Very cool.

Feel free to play around with this as well as add some more intents and responses that you like and then we’ll add this to a web page.

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