The 7 Best Languages for App Development in 2022

There are more than 6,900 languages in the world, but only a handful are used to create apps.

Knowledge of these languages will allow you to be more employable with app development skills.

The best languages for app development are among others:

1. Swift (for Apple devices)

2. Java (for Android devices)

3. Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

4. C++

5. C#

6. Python

7. JavaScript.

Top 7 best languages for app development

With the rise of the mobile app market, it’s no wonder why more and more people are looking to create apps of their own. With so many languages and frameworks out there, it can be hard to know which one will work best for you. This quick guide has all the information you need about the 7 best languages for app development. From Swift to Kotlin, we will give you an overview of each language and what makes them stand out. This is your one-stop shop for all things app development.

Swift (for Apple devices)

Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development
Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development

Swift is a programming language by Apple, originally designed as a successor to Objective-C. It has been used since 2014 as a replacement for Objective-C in most Apple products.

Swift is a general purpose programming language, with modern features targeting desktop and server development. Swift’s syntax is based on that of Objective-C, but it introduces many changes to the original Concepts from that language.


Swift is a programming language for iOS and macOS app development. Swift is a general-purpose programming language, but was designed with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks in mind, making it very effective for developing iOS apps.

There are several reasons why Swift is a good choice for app development:

  • Swift uses less lines of code than other languages to do the same job.
  • The syntax is easy to learn by following rules that are similar to other languages like Java, C++, and Python.
  • It has many powerful features like type inference, generics, closures, fast compile times, and more that make coding simpler and faster than it would be otherwise.
  • The compiler is really intelligent so it can catch errors quickly during compilation rather than you having to run your code before it finds any errors which would cause delays in development time later on in the process.
  • There are great online resources available to help you learn how to use Swift efficiently including books about Swift or courses through Stanford University’s open courseware or MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) project (


Programming in Swift is not always easy.

The learning curve for this language is much higher than other programming languages, which means it will take much longer before you’re able to create an app.

The code for Swift also tends to be more verbose and can sometimes be more difficult to read. This is because the language was designed with safety in mind and reads like English.

Swift has much stricter type-checking than other languages, so if your code doesn’t match the type you set, an error will occur preventing you from compiling the app.

Lastly, due to Apple’s tightly-controlled ecosystem, Swift is exclusively limited to iOS development, meaning that there’s no way for developers who work on Android devices to use this language.

Java (for Android devices)

The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)
The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s also widely used for mobile devices.

Java was created by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are many reasons why it’s useful for app development:

1. Java is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used for a wide range of purposes.

2. It offers portability across different platforms and operating systems because it can run on any system with a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

3. It’s object-oriented, which means you can write software that uses objects to represent things or actions in your program—so, if you wanted to create a car in Java, you could create a car object and use it to interact with other pieces of code inside your program.


Java is a programming language that was designed to function well with the Internet and its security needs. Java is one of just a handful of languages that can be used to develop apps for Android and iOS devices, and it’s the most popular language for application development.

The pros of using Java as your programming language include:

  • It’s object-oriented
  • Its syntax is similar to C++, C#, and more
  • Its code is easy to read
  • It has a large digital library (available online)

There are many reasons why you should learn Java programming. Learning this language will help you get better at app development and make more money in the future.


Java is a programming language that was created for the Java platform to enable programmers to build and use objects.

Java is very popular, but not without its disadvantages. Java is often criticized for being overused and bloated, which can make it run slowly. This is especially true if you are developing an app for an older cell phone. With this in mind, you may want to explore other languages, such as Swift or C++, which are newer and more efficient.

Java also requires developers to use large amounts of code just to do simple tasks, which can be frustrating for less experienced programmers who are just getting started with the language.

Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)
Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. Objective-C is an object-oriented language that features dynamic typing, partial typing, named parameters for methods and function calls, numerous data types including objects, structs, arrays, strings, etc.

Objective-C was originally developed in the 1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love at Stepstone (now part of Novell). It was created as an extension of the C programming language to support OOP (object oriented programming) techniques.

It supports both OS X and Windows OS’s.


  • Objective-C is a powerful programming language that was developed to work on both Apple and Android devices.
  • Unlike Swift, Objective-C does not have a runtime library, meaning that the software has to be compiled before it can run. Because of this, Objective-C is considered a lower level programming language.
  • Objective-C is object oriented and supports procedural programming as well as functional programming.
  • It also allows for inheritance from parent classes, which make it easier to build upon other people’s work without having to start from scratch.


Objective-C is a difficult language to learn. In order to become an effective programmer in the language, you have to know a lot of different concepts and commands.

You can’t do as much with Objective-C as you can with other languages. There are not a lot of options for developers when it comes to using this language, so if you want your app idea to be successful, it has to be simple enough for the Objective-C programming language.

Some say that it’s not as efficient as other languages. For example, Java is more efficient because of how it handles memory allocation.


C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

It is the language that’s used by many game developers and software engineers.

It’s also great for beginners too, as it has object-oriented capabilities, which makes it easier to learn.

C++ the best language for app development
C++ the best language for app development


C++ is a general-purpose programming language that has been around for more than 40 years. It’s still used by students to learn programming, and it’s one of the most popular languages among professional software developers.

C++ has powerful features that allow you to find bugs quickly and produce high-performance code. It is often used in cases where speed is essential, such as video games or operating systems. One feature, const, allows you to define immutable values at the time of definition rather than when they are used for the first time.

Another plus for C++ is that it supports both object-oriented programming and procedural programming styles, which makes it easy to switch between them depending on your needs. C++ also offers better support for inline assembly than other languages like Java or Objective-C do.


C++ is an object-oriented programming language that was developed in 1980. It offers many benefits, but it also has disadvantages.

There are positives to C++, like the ability to create more secure code and debug errors quickly. However, it can be difficult to find programmers who know this language and it is less user-friendly than other languages.

Additionally, not all web browsers support C++, which makes it difficult for programmers to use this language for web apps.

It’s also worth noting that C++ cannot run on devices with a low system RAM (random access memory). The only benefit of this is that the app will be much faster if it does work on these devices!


C# and Python are two popular choices among app developers, but they’re not as common as the other languages. If you want to learn a new language and need some guidance, these two will give you the best return on your time investment.

C# the best language for app development
C# the best language for app development

If you’re an app developer looking for a new challenge, C# is a formidable choice. It’s one of the most common programming languages in the world, and it’s used by Microsoft. You can use C# to write programs for all Windows devices as well as for apps in Windows Phone and Xbox One.

Python is one of many popular programming languages used by app developers. It is also designed with usability in mind and is supported by a large user base. You can use it to develop cross-platform apps and games on iOS and Android devices. It’s also powerful enough to be used in web applications, machine learning projects, data science problems, hardware interfaces – basically anything you want!


If you’re looking for a language that’s easy to learn, has an efficient syntax, and is open source then the C# programming language might be a good choice.

C# is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft designed for building a variety of different applications. It was released in 2000 as a successor to another Microsoft language called C++.

C#’s features include:

  • Powerful object-oriented programming capabilities
  • Support for multiple languages 
  • Support for libraries of code written in other languages, such as C++ and Visual Basic .NET 
  • Support for multitasking and multithreading
  • Garbage collection


The C# language is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is currently one of the most popular languages used to develop apps for Windows, Android, iOS, and many other devices.

C# has a great deal of similarities to Java in syntax and structure. However, it does have its own unique aspects.

One downside to this programming language is that it lacks a large community of developers and programmers who can help enhance the code or provide support. This means that if you are looking for more information on how to use this language, you will not find as much readily available information as you would with another language such as Java.


Python is a great language for app development because it’s both easy to read and learn. Python is also very popular among developers, which means there are plenty of resources available to help you out as you develop your skills.


It’s also cross-platform, so you can use it on either iOS or Android devices without having to switch languages.

Python has a ton of libraries that make it easier than ever before to build the perfect app. Some of these libraries include:

  • Xcode (for iOS) 2. Interface Builder (for Android)
  • WebSocket API
  • SQLite3


Python is a general-purpose language that is easy to learn and has a user-friendly design. Python, in many ways, can be viewed as the “staircase” of programming languages. It has been designed to make your programming journey easier and more intuitive.

The language is interpreted rather than compiled, which means it executes one line at a time rather than all at once. This makes developing with Python a lot quicker and simpler- not to mention that it’s also free!

Python was built with the beginner in mind, so you won’t have to worry about any confusing parts of the code when you’re just starting out. Developed by Guido van Rossum, Python was first presented publicly on December 2, 1989. Those who have learned this programming language have praised its simplicity and readability. 


The benefits of this language are many, but it’s not without its drawbacks.

Python is a good language for beginners to learn because it has fewer rules and is easy to read. You can create programs with fewer lines of code, which reduces the time needed for coding.

However,this language isn’t suitable for large-scale projects. For this reason, you need to know another programming language, like Java or C++.

Additionally, if you work in an academic setting or want to use this language in your research or data analysis project, you’ll find that there are very few libraries available to help with these tasks.


JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is primarily used for client-side scripting on web pages. It has been standardized in the ECMA standardization committee.

JavaScript the best language for app development
JavaScript the best language for app development

The language was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape Communications to allow programmers to reuse code that had already been written. This allowed programmers to focus more on the design of the application instead of writing code from scratch.

The language was originally known as LiveScript until version 1.0 where it was renamed NetScape JavaScript due to trademark issues.


  • The language is relatively new and therefore less ‘dated’ than other languages
  • The language is supported by the most popular browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.
  • It’s a versatile language that offers you to build apps with backend dynamism and frontend complexity.
  • It has a vast community of developers and programmers who are willing to help beginners in their journey of learning the language.
  • JavaScript is easy to learn as it doesn’t require any formal education and basic computer/web knowledge is enough to start programming in it.
  • The language can be used for web development but can also be used for desktop app development which makes it a highly flexible language for various purposes.


  • JavaScript is not a compiled programming language, meaning that it cannot be easily changed and updated.
  • It’s difficult to find qualified developers who know JavaScript.
  • There are many cross-platform programming languages available (e.g., Java, iOS, Android).


Developing apps has become a big business in the past few years. There are a wide variety of mobile operating systems out there, and new ones coming out all the time. With more than 2 million apps available on app stores worldwide, it’s important to know which languages are most popular for developing apps.

However, Designveloper is excited to help you become the newest technology pioneer. We provide all of the services needed for any size business and more! Make sure we get in touch with our team if you want an estimate or just some advice on how your company can take advantage of this new field.

The post The 7 Best Languages for App Development in 2022 appeared first on Designveloper.

December 28, 2021 at 04:09PM


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