Top 5 Of The Most Popular Project Management Methodologies

 Nowadays, project management world, forward-thinking managers and leaders don’t adhere to a single methodology—they become well-versed in many of them, and they learn how to mesh together various practices in order to accommodate whatever the project calls for. You’ll find an overview of PM methodology, descriptions of popular project management methodologies, examples from real companies, and steps to help you choose the right methodology.

Project Management Methologies

Types Of Project Management Methodologies

Some are an extensive list of standards with some process, like the PMI methodology PMBOK, and some are very light and simply define process, like Scrum. Looking at project methodology types, we can see differences in the mechanisms that various methodologies use; how they give definition to a way of working.

How To Choose The Right Project Management Methodology

It’s important that you put some time and effort into choosing the right project management methodology for your context. Choosing the right methodology is important because it defines how we work. It provides the structures that can guide us toward project success or failure.

 1. Determine the rigidity or flexibility of your work environment.

If you’re working within very fixed requirements, timeline, and budget, you might be better off with a Waterfall approach whether you’re more on the flexible side (think nimble design studio where most team members wear multiple hats) or more on the rigid side (think in-house agency where activities need to comply with lots of internal regulations)

2. Consider what delivers the most value.

For example, if your clients generally make ongoing requests and expect constant updates and changes, then an iterative methodology with short cycles will help the client feel like they are getting more value. 

3. List your organizational and team values.

Your organization’s and team’s values can give shape to a truly sustainable methodology that is less a theoretical standard (that you never really meet) and more a way of systematically acting out living, breathing processes that are easier to sustain long-term.Remember, no methodology is better than the others. It all depends on how well it meets organizational goals and values, the constraints the project team has to deal with, the needs of stakeholders.


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