How to build mobile apps faster by react native?

 In 2015, React Native is a framework that enables building multi-platform mobile apps. This relatively new technology has already been greatly appreciated by many developers.  A native mobile app is one that is specifically created for a category of the operating system.

mobile app by react native

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android. It’s based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. However, React Native cannot interface with all the system APIs (note that the framework is in response to Android and iOS recent choices concerning their operating system).

So, What does this great potential tool promise? 

A mobile app that is conceived with this tool also promises high quality, excellent performance, good interface responsivenessand an optimized user experience. Moreover, a well-trained JavaScript developer can build a mobile app using this tool without having to learn the ecosystem and language specific to each OS.

What makes it different from other frameworks?

React Native uses native components, and is thus not an overlay to the OS. However, the Cordova or Ionic generated graphical interface is displayed through a Web view (which refers to the view of a responsive website without the browsing bars). Furthermore, The latters are developed with standard Web technologies and are encapsulated in native components.

React native of app makers is true or wrong?

  1. React Native remains a very young technology. The official website shows the 0.48 version as we write these lines, depicting the framework potential instability.  
  2. The mobile user remains demanding and wants an optimal experience. The navigation in an Android app and in an iOS app is very different (only by the presence of a number of different browsing buttons between the two devices).
  3. React Native is based on the React language, which is a JavaScript library itself, to create interfaces. Therefore, you have to master Web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and even CSS
Finally, sometimes, a native library integration within a React Native app requires a lot of configuration. For example, a Google Maps map implementation becomes a long-term job while it takes only a minute on an Android native app.


1 comment:

  1. Informative post! I wonder if such security testing can be applied to an Android app for Shopify store that I recently built.


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