Top 4 Best Programming Language for Beginners in 2022

It seems that technology rules the world these days. Then, the scene of being able to make the computer or mobile device dance to your tune seems to be very attractive. Writing computer code becomes “a super hot pot” that everyone tries their best to join. However, the question is what is best programming language for beginners? does a person take the first step to gain this “power”? Choosing a suitable programming language might give you a hand.

The best programming languages for the first time learners

4 Best Programming Language for Beginners to Learn

To be clear, “the best” here is just relatively. It might be the best for you, but not fit for others. Everyone has their own reasons for preferring a particular programming language. It depends not only on how beginner-friendly is but also on what kind of projects you want to work on.
I bring to you a list of coding languages that are not only easy to learn for the first-time learner but are also considered the most profitable language in 2022.

1. Python – The Easiest Language

When people discuss first programming languages and which languages are easier for people to get their feet wet with, Python inevitably comes up. We, programmers always desire to use as few lines of code as we can to express a concept, don’t we? Python can absolutely make it possible because of its simplicity and readability. It is usually used and referred to as a scripting language, allow programmers to churn out large quantities of codes in short periods of time.

The best programming languages for the first time learners
It’s a great language for beginners all the way up to seasoned professionals.
1. 17 Computer Programming Languages that You Should Learn in 2022
2. 4 Programming Languages Used by Top Companies
3. How to Choose iOS App Development Language for Your Project

2. JavaScript – The Most Useful Language

There is no doubt that JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular and powerful programming languages. It is the only language available for client-side scripting in web development. That makes it virtually a necessity for everyone who wants to be successful as a programmer for the web and a must-learn for front-end developers. Pages without JavaScript are rather bland, whereas JavaScript-laced sites allow for animation and better control over the web interface. It is dynamic and flexible to use in object-oriented programming.

The best programming languages for the first time learners
It’s used to spice up web pages by making them interactive

3. Ruby and Ruby on Rails – The Happy Language

Ruby on Rails is a great tool that can help you with the backend aspect of your programming. Although Ruby and Ruby on Rail have similar names, there’s actually an important difference: Ruby is a scripting language, like Python, but Ruby on Rail is a web app framework built on Ruby.

The best programming languages for the first time learners
Rail is so fun for beginners because it’s really robust and it does so much of the hard work for you.

Learning to program in Ruby is much easier than in another language because the language is super flexible and very forgiving, which translates to more time spent absorbing programming fundamentals, and less time banging your head against your desk.

4. Get familiar with C

One thing that is important about C it’s one of the most foundational languages in computer science and programming. If you can grab C in your hands, other popular languages are just kids in your eyes! However, before jumping into C, you should proofread it on Wikipedia and other online resources to find out whether you should learn it or not. It’s because C requires more complex code to perform simple tasks, you may find it tough to keep yourself motivated if you join it as your first language.

The best programming languages for the first time learners
Knowledge of C will definitely help you as a programmer.


The nice thing is that, when you’ve taken the first step, the second step is much easier regardless of the direction it takes you. Remember, the best way to learn to program is by getting your hands dirty. You’ll be the best soldier when you are fighting the real-world enemy. So, which the Best Programming Language for Beginners did you choose to learn first? Does it work? I would love your comments about how you became a programmer.

The post Top 4 Best Programming Language for Beginners in 2022 appeared first on Designveloper.

June 12, 2022 at 08:47PM

Software Project Management Plan: Steps and Tips

Nowadays, many companies, organizations, and individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of technological factors in all aspects of life. This situation has resulted in the increasing need for different software products and services that cannot be created successfully without a proper software project management plan.

Whether you’re currently an experienced software project manager, an ambitious team member in a software project, or still very much in the dark about it, this article from Designveloper will offer something helpful. Specifically, you’ll know something about project management steps and how to make an effective project management plan. 

Software Project Management Overview

Project management refers to the process of applying skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to project activities to fulfill the requirements of the project. It is usually broken down into project management phases, including project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring, and project closure.

software project management

So what is software project management? Actually, it refers to the branch of project management that involves planning, scheduling, allocating resources, executing, tracking, and delivering specific software and other IT-related projects within the minimum possible consumption of resources, time, and money. 

Building a Software Project Management Plan

As shown above, planning is one of the five project management steps. Just when the software project can approve, it needs a project plan to give direction to the whole team in terms of product scope, resources and material required, quality outputs, potential risks management, and costs throughout the project. 

1. Performing requirement gathering

The first step in building a software project management plan is requirement gathering. It is about the exploratory research and documentation of the customers’ project requirements to provide them with what they want. The requirements gathering process can conduct at the very beginning of the software project.

This phase can determine the success or failure of any software and IT-related project. More specifically, if you cannot get a correct requirement identification of deadlines, scope, and cost overrun at the outset, all these elements will negatively impact the project’s progress. In fact, over 70% of failed projects resulted from the flawed requirements-gathering process.

Indeed, there are multiple ways to gather requirements. Software project managers can utilize methods such as conducting a pre-workshop survey, adopting the nominal group technique, organizing brainstorming sessions, or having one-on-one talks with those involved. Importantly, whatever means they use, they need to select the best method mix that is beneficial for the project.

2. Planning for software project risks

The project risks can be unexpected and rampant, ranging from insufficient time and budget. Unrealistic stakeholders’ expectations of software quality standards and human resource issues. Thus, the identification, quantification, and response to the risk potentials to mitigate their impacts are essential in the project management phases

Irrespective of their company’s official risk management plan, software project managers and his project team have to identify accurately and quickly the project risks. This can be achieved by using both quantitative and qualitative risk analyses, but the former is more suitable for large projects with longer durations and more money at stake.

Recommended reading: SDLC Waterfall Model: Definition, Phases, and Pros & Cons

Besides, the risk response plan plays a vital role in risk management since it contains a list of identified risks. Their impacts and the measures to address them. Remember that the risk response plan needs regularly updating to make risk information current because risks are unexpected during the project and can vary from time to time. 

3. Building a software project quality plan

Project quality refers to the project’s deliverables and ability to meet the specified and implied requirements. There are three interrelated constraints (project scope, cost, and time) that determine the quality of a project. As can be seen in the Iron Triangle below, three triangles’ sides correspond to three constraints. Any change in one constraint will make the two remaining ones change. And the quality in the middle is affected accordingly.

project management software

Therefore, as a software project manager. You can suppose to determine the project scope connected with the cost and required schedule. Then you need to examine the expenses needed for the achievement of the expected quality level. In some cases, you have to consider the profit margin expected to gain your software project’s optimal quality level. 

Moreover, it would help if you had a quality assurance or defect prevention plan. Which is one of the most necessary things for any software project. It ensures that your project’s satisfactory level will obtain through the validation. And verification of the work products after each software product phase. Only when they satisfy the expected quality level can the project be permitted to move forward. 

4. Selecting software project team members

A software project is a collaborative activity performed by people, and they are those in your project team. You need a project team for planning, estimating, execution, and project completion. They need you to lead the project until the end and protect them from stakeholders’ badgering. 

To determine all necessary resources for the project, you can consult those experienced in software and IT-related products. You can also refer to the resource database in your company. It will scan the resources and know people’s skill sets. And talents for your project team to be assembled quickly.

project management plan

You can make a conversation with promising project team members about how you can help each other to create a win/win situation. The STAR is a method that can use to interview. This may give you an insight into a person’s qualifications, experience, achievements, strengths, and weaknesses.

5. Creating software project time estimates

The software project manager is also responsible for creating the time estimate as accurately as possible. A reasonable time estimate will help you be more prepared for any risks, and development delays. And time-consuming tasks so that the whole project can be implemented straightforwardly to the completion. 

Creating a correct time estimate of how long the project will last is a time-consuming and challenging task. However, a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a project network diagram (PND). It helps to detail what should be conducted by both the project manager and the project team for the project completion.

project cost management

In addition to Gantt charts, you can use PERT charts to achieve the correct time estimate. PERT is the only time-estimation technique with a built-in risk assessment level because outside of estimating the best-case scenario. The most likely time, it considers the worst situations that can occur for any activity.

Recommended reading: An Overview of Project Management Services

6. Estimating software project cost

A critical phase in software project management planning is recognizing. And understanding how much a project will cost for you to commit the funds. An accurate budget estimate should include the following: product and project scope, time frame, assumptions, constraints, and variance range. 

Cost estimation helps the project manager explain all real costs to a stakeholder about a correct ballpark figure for the project. Though not all necessary information is available until the planning process. It won’t stop customers from asking cost questions requiring quick responses. Remember that poor cost estimates win little trust from the stakeholders.

You should also bear in mind that understanding your organization’s rules for estimating is essential before diving into the cost estimates. Some companies don’t have specific policy guidance on cost estimates. While others will offer some guidelines, to which you should conform. It’s also advisable for you to refer to historical information and cost estimating templates.

1. Web Application Architecture: Types, Components, and Tools to Creates
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Software Project Management Plan Example

To save time and effort, the software project manager can refer to any software project management plan examples on some websites. GanttPRO  Instagantt and Projectmanager offer ready-made management plan templates that will be extremely helpful irrespective of your experience or organization size.

With the software project management plan example templates. You don’t need to worry about project tasks, project duration, those in charge, project progress, and so on. Thus, you can focus on your tasks, prevent risks, and meet all deadlines. And accordingly, proceed in all the project management phases

In a nutshell, among the five project management phases. Building a software project management plan is the skeleton of any project software. As a software project manager, you can refer to our suggested steps above. To create a detailed management plan, ensure the smooth operation of your project team. And lead them to successful project completion.

The post Software Project Management Plan: Steps and Tips appeared first on Designveloper.

June 10, 2022 at 05:50PM

Top 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

Though JavaScript is already a fully-fledged programming language, its ecosystem should be indeed the main focus of equipment. The term basically describes a collection of tools that integrate with each other. It helps a ton in promoting the development of websites, apps, and even video games.

Among such tools, JavaScript frameworks are something very familiar to programmers and can make their job much easier. But how do you determine which framework is most suitable for your project? First, we can take a look at the data. According to Stack Overflow, jQuery, React and Angular, the usual suspects, still sits comfortably at the top of frameworks used by developers.

Best resources to learn Vue.Js 2

But are the most popular frameworks by default the best? Not necessarily. There’s a dark horse vying for supremacy over the field of web frameworks, and it’s Vue.js. When it comes to growth, Vue.js is truly an apt representation. Due to the gentle learning curve, it’s being optimal for progressive integration, Vue.js is a fantastic choice for newcomers and thus will only gain more traction by the day.

The 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

Vue.js has been and continues to be genuinely one of the most loved JavaScript libraries at the moment and for good reasons. With its vigorous adaptability and compatibility, this front-end framework has steadily become a favorable option over other bigger names such as Angular and React. And it has now been used by large companies, namely Xiaomi, Alibaba, Reuters, and more.

Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

With Vue.js’ continuously climbing up the ladder, the grip it has on the market is undeniable. As Vue.js has become very popular, a lot of resources to learn Vue.Js have also started to pop up. If you’re curious about Vue.js and want to try it out, then you’ve come to the right place. Below is a list of some of the best resources from which you can start learning Vue.js.

1. Vue School

This is simply a great educational platform to help you get started on your Vue.js training. Sticking to its name, this platform is wholly dedicated to the framework; It basically serves as a starting point for programmers who work with Vue.js at all levels. No matter if you’re a beginner or a professional Vue.js developer, there’s something here for you to learn.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Vue School

Courses are continually added to help you keep up with the changes in the ecosystem. This is to help you adjust well to any possible future modifications. It also enables you to keep up and maintain a reliable and clean Vue.js application.

2. is another great learning platform mainly for front-end developers, although it can cover other topics just as well. You can basically find a very wide range of courses and tutorials on many subjects surrounding the world of programming, and that includes the course “Getting Started with Vue.js”.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Scotchio

The way that they teach you is by combining Vue.js with other technologies so that you can better imagine and figure out what the framework would look like once applied. Although great generally, works mainly for those who are beginners or at intermediate levels, so eventually you will have to move to another more complete platform if you want to learn more about the trade.

3. Vue Mastery

Vue.js is something that newcomers can get familiar with easily, so courses sort of lean towards introducing the framework to the general demographic. In that regard, there’s rarely any place better than VueMastery, which is a platform that is great for pretty much anything Vue and has a free intro course to help novices get used to both the teaching method and Vue.js itself.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Vue Mastery

There are also new weekly lessons that offer you nuggets of knowledge that you don’t know you need. So even professionals will still get tremendous value from the time spent there.

4. Udemy

Udemy is a very popular platform devoted to teaching pretty much every subject you can think of. And of course, that includes the front-end framework Vue.js. If you’ve already used Udemy before for learning, then you must know how effective and quality their courses are. Even within each course there embodied the kind of versatility and deep insights that learners need. With regard to Vue.js, you will be able to learn the basics all the way to acclimation.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Udemy

Simply search for Vue there and decide which of the top-rated courses is most suitable for you. There are quite frequent discounts as well, so keep an eye out for them.

5. Laracasts, one of the most resources to learn Vue.Js

Laracasts is a website famous for its Laravel and general PHP tutorials, but now it’s gaining traction as the designated source of knowledge for Vue.js learners. For a specific place to start, “Learn Vue 2” on Laracasts is one of if not the most popular Vue.js tutorials on the Internet.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Laracasts

With over 40 videos about the framework on Laracasts, if you intend to learn and are willing to spend both the time and effort it takes for completing effective education, then there’s nowhere else better. For hesitant users, don’t worry; there are a lot of lessons available for free. You can start with the basics of components exercises, data binding, and more before deciding on any purchases.


Vue.js is becoming more comprehensive and prevalent, so it’s crucial that you equip yourself with substantial knowledge of it lest you fall behind your peers. I’ve provided a list of the five resources to learn Vue.Js I think will best help you both in the short term as well as in the long term. Each one of them has its main strengths, and certainly, you will be able to get at least something positive from them for your education.

As a front-end web developer, being up-to-date is almost half the battle. As technology is continually changing and improving on itself, adapting well to the times is an underrated ability. But it’s important nonetheless that you know what you’re dealing with, and can work well with it at moment’s notice. Even if Vue.js is not there yet as the most superior framework of them all; it’s still very worthwhile that you are used to working with it.

And after all, Vue.js with all its features is quite attractive, so why not learn it?

The post Top 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS appeared first on Designveloper.

June 14, 2022 at 10:00AM

Top 10 Software Consulting Companies In 2022

Since the appearance of technology, we are living in a data-driven world on a global scale. It is undeniable that technology has shaped our life so that we are relying heavily on it. So software consulting companies near me is the popular search term that you focus on.

No matter how powerful a company is, software consultation in the organization is of paramount importance. IT consulting can bring creative plus innovative perspectives from in-depth technical expertise. In addition to maximizing IT-based work efficiency, it also improves general productivity as well as saves a massive amount of time and effort. Besides, if you are looking for developing your own lead management system, Phonexa can help develop your own lead management system.

oftware Consulting Companies

So, let’s find out the top 10 notable software consulting companies in the world that can provide the most appropriate experience with Designveloper!

1. Best Software Consulting CompaniesAccenture

Accenture (the name is short for “Accent on the future”) is one of the globally professional software consulting companies that was founded in 1989 under the former name Anderson Consulting and integrated into Dublin, Ireland in 2009.

outsourcing company

The company is renowned for services including consulting, strategy, digital, technology, and operations. Accenture comprises several business units such as Accenture consulting, Accenture engineering, and Accenture approach.

Remarkably, Accenture constantly recruits skilled workers and empowers gender equality in the workplace. With the purpose of seeking varied perspectives to augment inventive resolutions, they also aim at forming a diverse team to improve their projects and create long-lasting value across their organizations.

In order to remodify customer-oriented solutions as well as address massive challenges, the firm allows its employees to work with clients so that they can come up with groundbreaking ideas, prototypes,s and carry out plans more effectively.

In addition, making use of market-shaping AI and empowering specialized capabilities such as AI, blockchain, robotics, drones with computer vision, and virtual reality are instrumental in giving clients access to unmatched experiences in some centers.

As an accredited company for its commitment and persistent growth, Accenture scores high among top IT consulting companies which are worth considering collaborating with based on its reputation and awards.

2. Deloitte Consulting

Deloitte consulting is known as not only one of the largest consulting companies worldwide but also one of the biggest professional networks worldwide. The firm is one of the Big Four professional services companies that was founded in 1845 by William Welch Deloitte in London.

software consulting companies, software development
Photo credit: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images

Deloitte mainly focuses on audit and assurance, tax, management consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, and legal and IT consulting. The organization is classified into three service areas: human capital, strategy and operations, and technology.

Interestingly, this firm is proud to manage comprehensive cultural diversity to supply sustainable outcomes for clients for 175 years. There is another reason that makes Deloitte valuable to clients is that this company pays great attention to digital tools and technology advancement along with software consulting, which is beneficial for potential partners.

The efforts for more efficient service quality are noticeably proved through their recognition and rankings. Deloitte is ranked:

  • #1 in Consulting by Gartner
  • a worldwide leader and a major player in the Americas in Business Consulting Services by IDC
  • a global leader in Innovation Consulting Services by Forrester

Also, the fundamental target is to assist clients to acknowledge and achieve their aspirations to create a positive change in society with a broad range of solutions in various areas.

Hence, Deloitte deserves to be one of the top-rated software consulting companies with an environment of respect, integrity, and diversity.

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2. Top 7 Best Software Outsourcing Companies in 2022
3. Top 7 Software Development Companies in Vietnam

3. IBM Global Technology Services

IBM (International Business Machine) Global Services is the by-product of the global multinational corporation IBM. The firm is a division of IBM founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Armonk, New York, USA.

outsourcing company

Inherited the tradition of witnessing societal changes thanks to the hi-tech industry, IBM Global Services continues to maintain this IT innovative technology. Besides offering an abundance of technology consulting services such as lab service, client centers, product engineering, platform testing, and IT economics, the firm also provides worldwide outsourcing to its clients.

Meanwhile, two main sectors are divided into GTS (Global Technology Services) and GBS (Global Business Services). GTS covers the infrastructure services, product maintenance, and the outsourcing service which provides technical experts to meet the needs of its clients in technical issues; GBS manages issues related to business growth, finance, market reach: consulting, program management solutions, and systems integration. Particularly, IBM has turned into IT cloud computing using their Cloud Advisory Services as a major platform for your enterprises to identify and apply cloud-based solutions efficiently.

For those firms who want to take advantage of experienced software consulting background, IBM Global Services is the best choice because of its technological pioneer.  IBM has also strengthened its reputation for outstanding market performance over the century.

4. McKinsey & Company

McKinsey is considered one of the most prominent software consulting companies in the world that partners with businesses, government and non-government organizations, and non-profit firms. The company is America-based and was founded in 1926 in New York by James O McKinsey and Marvin Bower.

software consulting companies, software development

This consulting firm focuses on strategic, organizational, operational, and technological issues with a miscellaneous collection of industrial departments from natural resources, technology, entertainment-, and media-related products. That explains why McKinsey is suitable for those clients who look for a company owning detailed insight into its customers’ backgrounds; region dynamics, and most importantly, the economic environment. Besides their in-depth understanding of IT, data, and technology, the company also devotes itself to inward investment by studying trends in different types of markets, and business practices so as to provide the most valuable assistance for their clients.

This IT consultant regards accrual-based statistics to figure out the complicated matter of changing the external conditions, redesigning the foundation, and optimizing the effectiveness of their services.
Overall, McKinsey is a firm that aims at creating an impact on its partners as well as the world in general and has served 90 percent of the top 100 companies in the world. McKinsey & Company scores are 5-star as one of the best software consultancies globally.

5. Boston Consulting Group

Another prestigious incorporated software consulting firm in the Boston consulting group. It was founded by Bruce Henderson in 1963 in Boston, Massachusetts. BCG is famous for its services in management, strategy, and technology consulting that help businesses deal with their most complex challenges.

outsourcing company

It is without a doubt that the company owns talented colleagues, excellent client work, and great professional development. Through their company’s core values, BCG makes every effort to idealize the paragon of business ethics to their clients, nurture a productive and dedicated workforce, and build a better future.
Additionally, clients are assisted with innovative and transformative operations such as AI, big data, and digital transformation tools.

With a global team of technological expertise and an excessive amount of data access to help clients take advantage of corporate culture and seize the greatest opportunities as well as spark changes, BCG really earns its reputation as top-rated IT consulting company in the world.

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6. KPMG – Best Software Consulting Companies

KPMG (brief for “Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler”) was founded in 1987 in Amstelveen, Netherlands and was later integrated into other MNCs.

software consulting companies, software development

This software consulting company supplies professional services in three specialized fields: Audit (40%), Advisory (38%) (IT consulting), and Tax (22%).

Companies working with KPMG may gain benefits from having a commitment to integrity and working with experts in data analytics and application. Also, they can achieve the goal of enhancing complete value to improve revenue growth. Minimizing possible risks, and smoothening streamlining operations.

The recognition of the firm is highly considered since it is ranked:

  • 2nd in overall consultancy by OpRisk & compliance
  • 2nd in 2011 as the World’s Best Outsourcing Advisors 
  • 29th on the Fortune list of 100 Best Companies to Work For

Although KPMG is famous for its auditing capabilities. This company has proved its forceful strength in IT advisory services through value-based corporate culture.

That is why this firm is considered to be one of the best consulting companies in the world.

7. Capgemini

Capgemini is a European Society company founded in 1967 by Serge Kampf and located in Paris, France. Listed in the top 10 consulting companies, this is the only French company that is widely recognized for providing professional software services in consulting.

outsourcing company

Its technology services consist of designing, developing, and implementing solutions, as well as systems application and IT advancement.

Furthermore, the software firm also supports clients significantly with technological power when it comes to IT consulting which is broken down into two sub-brands, Capgemini Invent and Sogeti.

Remarkably, there is also outsourcing services that allow clients to manage full or fractional control of IT systems for applications and infrastructures, along with associated business procedures. This software company claims that collaborating with clients to result in customized yet advanced solutions can ensure the best outcomes.

If you want to experience unique services and a result-based approach. Capgemini will be one of the potential software consulting companies you may be looking for.

8. TATA Consultancy Services

Tata is a global software consulting company that uses a mixture of technological experience and business intelligence. It was founded in the year 1968 in India.

software consulting companies, software development

Tata is well-known as a company providing services such as consulting, application development, infrastructure assistance, and business outsourcing.

The firm’s cognitive business functioning works by using technology to ensure optimal outcomes, mitigate costs. And enhance work capacity to intensify productivity.
What’s more, Tata’s clients can have the opportunity of customizing their solutions in accordance with their distinct needs.

To sum up, Tata Consultancy services really earns its place in the top 10 most-rated software consulting companies.

9. Top Software Consulting CompaniesSAP Services

The SAP services were founded in 1972 in Waldorf, Germany. SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in the data processing niche.

outsourcing company

When it comes to versatile services, SAP experts in a variety of professional facilities:

  • analytics
  • content and collaboration
  • customer relationship management
  • data management
  • enterprise management
  • financial management
  • human capital management
  • product lifecycle management
  • supply chain management
  • supplier relationship management
  • technology platform

Besides, this firm also enhances technological implementation such as machine learning, a wide variety of items, and the blockchain. The cloud and SAP HANA to address business issues.

SAP keeps doing its utmost to generate a powerful position among the top 10 software consulting companies worldwide since they try to re-innovate as a good company and push the technician shell.

10. Cognizant Technology Solutions

This software consulting company was founded in 1994; its headquarter is located in TeaneckNew JerseyUnited States. Cognizant provides IT services including digital, technology, consulting, and operations services.

software consulting companies, software development

Cognizant is a perfect fit for those clients striving for a global-oriented partner. Nevertheless, based on the firm’s international history and influence, likewise, enterprises can gain an enormous package of advantages from Cognizant when competing on a universal scale. By partnering with this firm, they are more likely to expand their trails globally. This company sticks to an inclusive value scheme that is designated to execute digital changes across large established organizations.

Cognizant should be taken into consideration as it is ranked 193 on the Fortune 500. And is consistently named as one of the most admired software consulting companies in the world.

Final thoughts on the top 10 software consulting companies

As you can see, technology is predicted to take over the world in this 4.0 generation and therefore. IT implementation is the essential tool for any company to quickly develop.

That’s why consulting the technological strategy for your enterprises is undoubtedly necessary. Those top 10 software consulting companies suggested above are likely to dominate their standing in the market thanks to their strong market stocks and inventive technological progress.

However, the right use of IT can create unprecedented change for the company. So before choosing the most suitable one, future clients must carefully consider each consulting service.

Hey, Designveloper is not only a software outsourcing development company but also a credited business consulting that you might want to collaborate with. Contact us and we’ll help you make your ideas come true!

The post Top 10 Software Consulting Companies In 2022 appeared first on Designveloper.

June 09, 2022 at 02:47PM

Top 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

Though JavaScript is already a fully-fledged programming language, its ecosystem should be indeed the main focus of equipment. The term basically describes a collection of tools that integrate with each other. It helps a ton in promoting the development of websites, apps, and even video games.

Among such tools, JavaScript frameworks are something very familiar to programmers and can make their job much easier. But how do you determine which framework is most suitable for your project? First, we can take a look at the data. According to Stack Overflow, jQuery, React and Angular, the usual suspects, still sits comfortably at the top of frameworks used by developers.

Best resources to learn Vue.Js 2

But are the most popular frameworks by default the best? Not necessarily. There’s a dark horse vying for supremacy over the field of web frameworks, and it’s Vue.js. When it comes to growth, Vue.js is truly an apt representation. Due to the gentle learning curve, it’s being optimal for progressive integration, Vue.js is a fantastic choice for newcomers and thus will only gain more traction by the day.

The 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

Vue.js has been and continues to be genuinely one of the most loved JavaScript libraries at the moment and for good reasons. With its vigorous adaptability and compatibility, this front-end framework has steadily become a favorable option over other bigger names such as Angular and React. And it has now been used by large companies, namely Xiaomi, Alibaba, Reuters, and more.

Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS

With Vue.js’ continuously climbing up the ladder, the grip it has on the market is undeniable. As Vue.js has become very popular, a lot of resources to learn Vue.Js have also started to pop up. If you’re curious about Vue.js and want to try it out, then you’ve come to the right place. Below is a list of some of the best resources from which you can start learning Vue.js.

1. Vue School

This is simply a great educational platform to help you get started on your Vue.js training. Sticking to its name, this platform is wholly dedicated to the framework; It basically serves as a starting point for programmers who work with Vue.js at all levels. No matter if you’re a beginner or a professional Vue.js developer, there’s something here for you to learn.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Vue School

Courses are continually added to help you keep up with the changes in the ecosystem. This is to help you adjust well to any possible future modifications. It also enables you to keep up and maintain a reliable and clean Vue.js application.

2. is another great learning platform mainly for front-end developers, although it can cover other topics just as well. You can basically find a very wide range of courses and tutorials on many subjects surrounding the world of programming, and that includes the course “Getting Started with Vue.js”.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Scotchio

The way that they teach you is by combining Vue.js with other technologies so that you can better imagine and figure out what the framework would look like once applied. Although great generally, works mainly for those who are beginners or at intermediate levels, so eventually you will have to move to another more complete platform if you want to learn more about the trade.

3. Vue Mastery

Vue.js is something that newcomers can get familiar with easily, so courses sort of lean towards introducing the framework to the general demographic. In that regard, there’s rarely any place better than VueMastery, which is a platform that is great for pretty much anything Vue and has a free intro course to help novices get used to both the teaching method and Vue.js itself.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Vue Mastery

There are also new weekly lessons that offer you nuggets of knowledge that you don’t know you need. So even professionals will still get tremendous value from the time spent there.

4. Udemy

Udemy is a very popular platform devoted to teaching pretty much every subject you can think of. And of course, that includes the front-end framework Vue.js. If you’ve already used Udemy before for learning, then you must know how effective and quality their courses are. Even within each course there embodied the kind of versatility and deep insights that learners need. With regard to Vue.js, you will be able to learn the basics all the way to acclimation.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Udemy

Simply search for Vue there and decide which of the top-rated courses is most suitable for you. There are quite frequent discounts as well, so keep an eye out for them.

5. Laracasts, one of the most resources to learn Vue.Js

Laracasts is a website famous for its Laravel and general PHP tutorials, but now it’s gaining traction as the designated source of knowledge for Vue.js learners. For a specific place to start, “Learn Vue 2” on Laracasts is one of if not the most popular Vue.js tutorials on the Internet.

Best Resources to learn VueJs - Laracasts

With over 40 videos about the framework on Laracasts, if you intend to learn and are willing to spend both the time and effort it takes for completing effective education, then there’s nowhere else better. For hesitant users, don’t worry; there are a lot of lessons available for free. You can start with the basics of components exercises, data binding, and more before deciding on any purchases.


Vue.js is becoming more comprehensive and prevalent, so it’s crucial that you equip yourself with substantial knowledge of it lest you fall behind your peers. I’ve provided a list of the five resources to learn Vue.Js I think will best help you both in the short term as well as in the long term. Each one of them has its main strengths, and certainly, you will be able to get at least something positive from them for your education.

As a front-end web developer, being up-to-date is almost half the battle. As technology is continually changing and improving on itself, adapting well to the times is an underrated ability. But it’s important nonetheless that you know what you’re dealing with, and can work well with it at moment’s notice. Even if Vue.js is not there yet as the most superior framework of them all; it’s still very worthwhile that you are used to working with it.

And after all, Vue.js with all its features is quite attractive, so why not learn it?

The post Top 5 Best Resources to Learn Vue.JS appeared first on Designveloper.

June 14, 2022 at 10:00AM

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