Top 5 Best Android App Development Languages for 2022

Android app development is a cornerstone of the mobile industry. It has grown tremendously since its inception in 2008 and now makes up 97% of the smartphone market share. If you want to tap into the fast-growing and lucrative app development industry, it’s essential to learn how to program in one or more of the top 5 Android app development languages: Kotlin, Java, C++, C#, Dark

Within this article, we will go over each language. Why it should be your choice for Android app development languages and what tools are available to get you started.

The first programming language we’ll discuss is Kotlin. It’s a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Kotlin offers a concise code syntax which makes it one of the most popular choices for Android app developers. Java is one of the oldest programming languages in existence. It’s still used today not only because of its extensive libraries but also because it can be cross-compiled. And many more,…

1. Kotlin

#1 Android app development language in the world

One of the most popular programming languages for Android app development is Kotlin – a statically typed programming language that was created by JetBrains.

It has a concise code syntax that makes it one of the most popular choices for Android app developers. It can be compiled to JavaScript or native code and runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The main benefits of using Kotlin for your next project are:

  • Easier to read code
  • Less verbose
  • Concise set of libraries
  • Easy refactoring
  • Faster compilation time


The benefits of choosing Kotlin over other languages are many. It’s a modern language without too much-outdated baggage, which means there are fewer quirks and less confusing features. It’s a compiled language, you’ll have an easier time scaling your app to multiple platforms or devices, even to mobile apps written in Java.

It also has some cool features like null safety and lambdas. Null safety prevents your app from crashing or throwing errors when it encounters null pointer exceptions. Lambdas make coding more efficient by allowing you to write methods with only one line of code. That can be executed at any part of your app without changing the logic flow.


Kotlin is a great programming language to use for Android app development because it’s more concise and type-safe than Java. But, there are some downsides to using Kotlin as your primary programming language.

For one, Kotlin can be difficult to debug and has had compatibility issues with older versions of Android and the tools used for developing Android apps. Some even say there’s a lack of documentation about how some features work.

Another downside is that Kotlin is new and it may only be supported on new devices for a limited time period. It’s also still an evolving language that needs more time to mature which means you’ll need to keep up with the changes as they happen.

2. Java

Most popular Android app development language

Java is a general-purpose programming language that was designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. This makes it usable across many different platforms. For example, it can be run on any operating system that has a compatible virtual machine installed.

Java is the most popular Android app development language because of its simplicity and availability of resources. It’s easy to get started with Java because it’s one of the most widely used programming languages in existence. Java is also compatible with many different platforms which means you can use whichever operating system you are most comfortable with while still being able to use Java.


Java is a great choice for developers who want to work with Android app development. Along with Kotlin, Java provides the best compatibility for apps on Android devices. If you’re going to be releasing your app on the Play Store, you’ll need to make sure that it’s compatible.

Along with being cross-compiled, Java is also one of the easiest languages to learn and use. This is an important factor for those who are new to programming.

Another benefit of Java is its extensive code libraries which provide plenty of resources for developers when they get stuck or want to make improvements. With these libraries, it’s easy to find any project-specific information you need without having to spend time searching through forums or social media groups.


Despite being one of the most popular programming languages in the world, it still has its cons. One issue is that Java can be difficult to master and requires years of experience to be truly effective. It also offers an extensive amount of libraries which can make it difficult to learn how to program for Android app development without needing to study extensively.

3. C++

C++ is a cross-platform programming language

This programming language is considered to be one of the best for Android app development because it offers an easy-to-use syntax and is extremely fast. C++ is also used in other industries like game development, machine learning and desktop applications.

Furthermore, Swift was designed by Apple as a successor to Objective-C, which was heavily influenced by C++. This language can be used for both Android and iOS app development and has many features that make it perfect for creating intuitive interfaces.

Tools are available online or through your Android phone that can help you install these languages on your device to get started today!


C++ is a programming language that has been around since 1979 and still remains popular because it can be compiled for a number of different platforms.

It’s also one of the fastest languages for Android app development because it uses less RAM. Additionally, it’s one of the most widely used languages for mobile app development.

Java is a general-purpose computer programming language which was first released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. It’s an object-oriented language with strong support from various libraries which make it easier to develop apps.

Swift is a compiled programming language that was introduced by Apple in 2014 as their new open source programming language. Swift is designed to work with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and offers seamless integration with Xcode which makes coding easier and more intuitive. Objective-C is a general-purpose object oriented programming language that was created in the 1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love for use on Smalltalk-80 systems.



C++ is one of the most difficult programming languages to learn. It’s also an old programming language with many versions, each with different syntaxes. This can be a major setback for Android app developers who are just starting out. Regardless, C++ is still used in the industry by established professionals.

4. C# 

C# is the evolution of C and C++

Developed by Microsoft as an evolution of the C and C++ languages. It was designed to be a powerful, modern programming language for use in the development of desktop, mobile, and web applications. These days, C# is one of the most popular choices for Android app developers thanks to its simplicity and power.

C# was developed to allow developers to write their programs in a simple and precise manner that can be easily read and understood by other programmers. With this simplified syntax, it’s easy for anyone to start writing code without having significant knowledge about different codes.

Another major reason why C # is popular among app developers is that Microsoft provides tools for all stages of the development process. This includes IDEs like Visual Studio Community Edition which provides you with all the features you need to develop your app from start to finish without any additional purchases or downloads required. 


C# is a strong, object-oriented programming language that was developed by Microsoft. It operates on the Common Language Runtime which means it can be used on multiple platforms. C# is one of the most popular choices for Android app developers because of its versatility and ability to be cross-compiled to run on any platform.

C# is an object-oriented programming language which means it’s more focused on classes and objects rather than functions or procedures. One of the benefits of this is that there are no undefined values, which makes it easier for programmers to debug their code by providing them with more information about where they need to look for errors.


C# has been the go-to programming language for various software projects since it was first introduced in 2000. It is also one of the most widely used programming languages with around 12 million developers in the world.

However, it’s not without its faults. C# is a statically typed programming language which means that variables, methods, and other components are fixed when they’re created. This can be helpful in some ways because you know exactly what you’re getting when you create something but can also mean that your code may not be as flexible. A programmer may have to write more lines of code to get the same result which could be taxing on their time and lead to errors in coding due to fatigue.

5. Dark (newest Android app development language)

The newest and most potential Android app development language

“Dark is a programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It was originally developed at Facebook as an experimental tool for doing research on software performance. It was designed to be used together with the open-source Datalog data analysis language, but Dark is not limited to this use case.” What is Dark and why does it matter? Read more here


Developing in the Dark programming language (DARK) is ideal for quick prototyping and creating games. It’s easy to use, offers a fast learning curve, and is designed for rapid development.

The best part of DARK is that it enables developers to work with multiple technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and C++. This makes it possible to build anything from simple apps to sophisticated games.


While Dark is one of the newest languages for Android app development, it has a lot of potentials. It’s based on Kotlin, which is one of the most popular choices for Android app developers.

The cons to using Dark are that it’s only available on Android Studio 3.0 and higher. This means that if you’re not using this particular version or higher, then Dark will be unavailable to you.

Additionally, while there are many positives to using Dark, it lacks some of the features that other languages offer. For example, it doesn’t have any libraries yet so if you need any kind of library for graphics or networking then dark may not be available to you at this time.

However, these are just small negatives in comparison to the pros of Dark programming language.


There are many different languages in the world and many Android app development languages. But which ones should you learn? In this article, we have compiled a list of the best languages for app development for 2022.

As a developing language, Kotlin is quickly gaining recognition because it compiles to Java bytecode and allows Java code to be mixed with Kotlin code. Kotlin also has a number of features that make it more attractive to developers than Java. Kotlin is fast enough for mobile devices and produces smaller executables by eliminating unnecessary runtime checks.

Designveloper is excited to help you jump on board with the latest technology, so call us today! We provide all of the services needed for any size business and more. Our web development service includes web design, mobile application design and consulting and more,… Please give our team a call if you want an estimate or just some advice on how we can help your company in this new field!

The post Top 5 Best Android App Development Languages for 2022 appeared first on Designveloper.

December 30, 2021 at 10:46AM

The Top 5 Mobile App Development Frameworks To Consider

Frameworks are an integral part of the modern-day app development process. But choosing the wrong framework for your app project may result in financial and product failures. If you’re new in this world and hesitate about which mobile app development frameworks to consider, this article is the right place for you. 

What are Mobile App Development Frameworks?

A mobile app development framework is a software platform that already integrates essential tools (e.g. compilers, APIs or code libraries) to render your development job faster and easier. 

Mobile App Development Frameworks

In other words, instead of wasting time creating a mobile app from scratch, developers have a framework to handle low-level or basic tasks and provide reusable codes that are easily find in different mobile apps. Meanwhile, programmers only need to focus on advanced functionality, hence reducing the total development time.

Mobile app development frameworks now are divide into three main groups:

  • Native frameworks provide tools to separately develop either iOS or Android apps;
  • Web app frameworks are design to build progressive web apps (PWAs);
  • Cross-platform frameworks allow cross-platform designs that work on different platforms and operating systems.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Framework

There’s no denying that a framework brings developers many advantages to build mobile apps resourcefully. The software can ease the debugging process, eliminate time wasted in writing familiar codes, enhance code efficiency, speed up the overall development procedure but still guarantee product security. 

The Importance of Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Framework

Having said that, the most advanced technologies don’t mean they fit your business standards and end-user demands. Just imagine you are going on a holiday with luggage full of office wear. Such clothing may work but does not give your most desired outcomes. Similarly, incompatible frameworks may turn your work out of control and diminish the deliverable’s performance to achieve your targets.  

There’s also a controversy over whether frameworks truly prove effective in reducing the development time. Provided frameworks are new or rarely used in app development, they may take development staff much more time to get attuned to these technologies. Not to mention that their APIs’ complexity possibly renders the learning curve steeper. That’s why picking up the inappropriate frameworks for the development team’s competence can drive the development time and cost up. 

Top 5 Mobile App Development Frameworks That You Should Consider

The mobile app development segment is now awash with frameworks whose attributes are supportive of effective development projects. If you have no idea of where to start, this part will detail the top 5 popular native and cross-platform frameworks you should ponder.

React Native

React Native is an open-source, cross-platform framework backed by Meta Platforms, Inc. (formerly known as Facebook). This means the technology allows developers to program once for the frontend terminal and use codes across operating systems. 

what is react native framework?

Apart from that key feature, React Native also comes with other outstanding functions, for example:

  • Hot Reload is a special component of React Native. It enables developers to make changes while the app is still running;
  • React Native facilitates the user interface (UI) development of iOS and Android apps by using JavaScript functions which are often call “native modules”. For this reason, the platform gives developers an advantage to build native-like products;
  • The platform supports a variety of third-party libraries to foster the app’s performance and other functionalities. 

However, a developer may encounter some problems when working with React Native, typically including:

  • A tough learning curve;
  • Debugging issues if they aren’t adept at the platform;
  • The unavailability of several custom elements forces developers to build them from scratch but they can end up with different codebases for respective operating systems instead of one. Not to mention that some advanced native features require the involvement of native developers.


Created by Google, Flutter has increasingly grown its recognition from the developer community. With only a single codebase, the open-source platform empowers developers to easily build cross-platform products for iOS and Android. 


Since its introduction in 2015, Flutter has improved the app development experience of programmers with exceptional attributes as follows:

  • Dart language provides more advanced components to flexibly customize UI designs for any screen, facilitate debugging and enhance the app’s performance with ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation;
  • Dart virtual machine (VM) incorporates the Hot Reload feature to allow the immediate updates of new codes in running apps;
  • Skia, a graphic engine written in C++, helps develop and remove widgets faster to enhance rendering performance;
  • A huge collection of design-driven widgets helps Flutter apps look more attractive but still fully functional.

On the flip side, Flutter apps are criticizing for their large size. Besides, they are programmed in Dart. So developers must spend time learning the less popular language and its functionality. That may increase the overall development time of Flutter app projects.


Another renowned cross-platform framework in this article is Xamarin. After Microsoft’s acquisition, Xamarin has become an open-source tool that enables developers to create native factors and deliver the same scripts between different platforms thanks to the use of the .NET framework and C# programming language. Therefore, Xamarin draws developers’ attention to its code reusability and improved UI development experience.


Other worthwhile elements of this platform entail:

  • Making apps fast but still guarantee their high quality and flawless designs;
  • Providing an ecosystem rich in native APIs, graphics, libraries and more to build interactive and near-native apps;
  • Incorporating Microsoft Visual Studio to boost the productivity and management of making apps;
  • Integrating Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing solution, and .NET to ease data storage and better the app’s scalability. 

One major drawback of Xamarin is its apps often demand more space than native ones, like Flutter. Contrary to the belief that Xamarin developers don’t need to know native languages such as Swift/Objective-C (iOS) and Kotlin/Java (Android), the ignorance of such technologies may put the development with Xamarin on hold, especially when developers want their apps to have a truly native appearance. 


Swiftic is the only paid cross-platform framework in this list. This technology is suitable for beginners who are seeking a simple solution to building iOS and Android mobile apps in no time without compromising their quality. 


Swiftic is considered an easy-to-use framework with an abundance of basic features (e.g. loyalty cards, in-app coupons or push notifications) to open mobile stores. Requiring no coding skills, the framework allows app creators to tailor their products with available themes, color schemes, icons and more. 

What’s more, one selling point of the framework is its excellent integration with external social media, advanced analytics and so forth. Beyond that, app builders may add their ready-made HTML code to their potential apps.

However, Swiftic doesn’t provide numerous advanced options such as location-based services or in-app adverts. 


Ionic is a free cross-platform framework developed on the basis of cutting-edge web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 or JavaScript. Besides, the framework aims at using modern web components (e.g. Custom Elements or Shadow DOM) to make its web APIs more stable than other hybrid frameworks.  

This trait, together with the capability of working with Apache Cordova, AngularJS, React or VueJS, helps Ionic developers make progressive web and native apps that run seamlessly on iOS and Android platforms from a single codebase. 

A wide selection of such integrated hybrid app frameworks also lets developers approach numerous UI components and functions to create impressive user interfaces. Compared with other cross-platform frameworks, Ionic has a shallow learning curve and strong community support. 

Besides the mentioned prominent factors, Ionic shows some cons, typically like its apps’ poorer performance than native counterparts or sluggish operations on graphics-heavy software. 

Which are the Best Mobile App Development Frameworks So Far?

The 2021 Statistics research deduced that Flutter is the most widely used framework by mobile app developers over the last three years. This is followed by React Native, Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin and other important frameworks. 

The 2021 Survey by Stack Overflow also observed that together with coding, scripting and markup languages and other tools, these frameworks prove among the most preferred technologies by global developers. 

Reasons behind this can be plentiful. And one of them is the development staff’s familiarity with such frameworks. Learning new ones can prove time-wasting and even cost consuming, especially when you want to shorten the time between the product development and its launch as much as possible. 

Besides, old frameworks have bigger support communities. This will provide developers with greater convenience and improved functionality, thus saving much time and cost in mobile app creation. 

That’s why such existing frameworks as Flutter or React Native will continue being universally applied in mobile applications in the future, despite the growing interest in new frameworks (e.g. Svelte).


Along with programming languages and libraries, frameworks also play a key role during the development process. Mastering mobile app development frameworks that suit your firm’s ultimate goals is more important than following the most popular ones that prove incompatible with your app projects. So learning about your business requirements and the development team’s capacity is a must to pick up the right frameworks.

The post The Top 5 Mobile App Development Frameworks To Consider appeared first on Designveloper.

December 29, 2021 at 05:44PM

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App? The Truth Behind the Numbers

App development costs are always among the top concerns of app builders, whether they make an app in-house or outsource it. How much does it cost to make an app? Is the figure fixed or variable on different projects? In this blog post, we’ll help you envisage how app development costs are often calculated and how to optimize spendings on app building. 

What Are The Factors That Go Into App Cost?

Which factor should you consider when making an app?

An app cost is influenced by assorted cost-driving criteria. First of all, an app itself constitutes multiple software and hardware features, thus little wonder that its expense will be under profound impacts of designing and developing these functions:

  • Type of app (e.g. eCommerce, social networking or video streaming);
  • Visual design and objects such as 2D or 3D graphics, animation or wireframe;
  • App functionality like user profile, push notifications, social media sharing, third-party integration or data security;
  • Supported platforms (i.e. iOS or Android), devices and other hardware components (e.g. the phone’s camera).


The real app development process isn’t only limited to such components. The total cost accordingly extends to other crucial factors including:

  • Problem detection and solution;
  • Maintenance and upgrades;
  • Industry maturity and business scale;
  • Those involved in the development team – normally a business analyst, a project manager, UX/UI designers, programmers and test engineers;
  • Internal or external hiring and hourly rates by region;
  • Marketing and advertising after the product launch;
  • License for software used to build an app;
  • App store fees.

Each deliverable consists of unique attributes, hence accompanying different costs. To answer the question of how much your company must pay for an app, you need to determine which properties your app includes.  

An Overview of the Average Cost of an App

Before calculating the average cost of creating an app, you should determine whether the app development project will be allocated to in-house employees or an outsourcing development company. Inevitably, provided the internal workforce has sufficient experience to handle a whole project, you will save more money from full outsourcing. 

In case you outsource the app project, the average cost can be estimated based on which pricing model you prefer and how much of the development procedure your team can tackle. There are some common options in the outsourcing market as follows:

  • Fixed price: Before the project is underway, app development costs will be determined. This pricing structure is accordingly suitable for small-scale projects within a specific development time. The total cost is often based on your company’s requirements and estimated timeline. 
  • Time & material: Following this model, your business has to make a payment based on hourly rates. Therefore, it’s better matched with complicated projects whose criteria are hard to identify at the beginning and possibly modified during the process. Total hours of each development stage will be estimated and then multiplied with an hourly charge. 

Even when your company augments some external employees or freelancers to handle some parts of a project, the same payment method is also applied. Besides, the cost of hiring a developer will vary across countries as illustrated below.

App development rate

Moreover, marketing costs and other expenses incurred out of a negotiated contract should be counted in the total app cost. 

How Much Does It Cost to Make an App?

Business of Apps, the leading news and analysis website for the app industry, collected data from numerous companies about how much is spent on their customer projects. The estimated range of spending on app development below are based on the complexity of projects:

  • Simple app development project: US$40,000 to 60,000;
  • Averagely complex app development project: US$61,000 – 120,000;
  • Highly complex app development project: US$120,000 at a minimum.
app development cost in UK

These findings, however, are not the same in many other companies. According to the 2015 Clutch survey, the total app development cost for complex functionality might reach US$727,500 provided the average hourly rate was $150. Meanwhile, other firms report that a large project with complex app development, design and support for at least two platforms may be at least US$300,000. 

Inevitably, it’s hard to conclude an exact figure because how much your app project truly costs depends on the mentioned criteria. The given figures are just approximate for your company to have an objective view of app development costs in the market now. 

The Truth Behind the Numbers 

To clarify how the given figures are gauged, we need to break down the big question “How much does it cost to make an app?” into smaller questions. Particularly, the app development process includes various important phases (i.e. Planning, Design, Development, Testing & Launching, and Maintenance & Upgrade); understanding how different components in each stage are charged will help you have a ballpark calculation of your potential app cost. 

Planning Stage

In this phase, both your company and an app developer will define project complexity, scope and other unknown criteria such as client-owned APIs. Even when you have no experience with app development, it’ll take more time to do market research on your own or with the support of the vendor. This helps your company determine whether an app can be a good vehicle to reach your goals. Apparently, those factors act as major determinants of the app planning cost. 

According to the 2017 Clutch survey, the average cost of this phase was no more than US$25,000. Of which, over a half of surveyed companies said that they spent less than US$5,000 on discovery and research components. 

app-development-cost-in-planning stage
app cost in planning stage

Design Stage

This app development phase involves designing an app’s visual architecture. This can be done through the following major tasks:

  • Identifying your app’s platform based on whether you prefer a native or hybrid app. The former is separately designed for either iOS or Android, while the latter incorporates components working well on both operating systems;
  • Focuse on UX/UI design that both meets user demands and complies with App Store or Google Play’s guidelines;
  • Determining a number of pages and screens where your app will be displayed;
  • Building the app’s wireframe that draws up the app layout.

This phase proves important because it’ll decide how attractive your app design may increase end-user retention and usage rates. The design cost depends on the project’s complexity and your design’s flexibility as well as aesthetic. 

Below is an average range of the app design cost accumulated by Clutch:

average cost of app design stage

Development Stage

Major drivers behind the app development cost are often a number of developers involved in coding tasks and functionality in terms of its complexity, type and quantity. Apart from fundamental features such as user login or user engagement, advanced functionality as follows also contribute to pushing the development cost up:

  • Payment systems;
  • App management such as performance monitoring and data analytics; 
  • Infrastructure components including data storage, data encryption, third-party API integration, cross-platform sync, scalability and more;
  • AI or ML technologies.

The more advanced components are integrated into your app, the longer this stage lasts and the higher the development cost is charged. 

Testing and Deployment Stage

After the development phase, quality analyses will be manually or automatically conducted to detect and correct faults. The duration of testing mostly hinges on the app complexity and a large amount of functionality. Accordingly, highly secured apps or interactive games require more time, hence accompanying higher costs. 

average cost of app deployment stage

Once testing has been completed, an app will be ready for uploading to the App Store or Google Play. Normally, those stores also offer a licensing service to help you limit unauthorized or inappropriate access to your app. This will undoubtedly come with additional fees.

You should distinguish this licensing cost with the one you must pay for technologies or tools used during the design and development process. 

Marketing and Maintenance Stage

No app is perfect with its first version, regardless of a huge investment in the initial project. Therefore, frequent updates and maintenance are essential to keep users engaged in the app and attract new customers. The maintenance cost may relate to hosting servers and even analytic tools. 

average cost of app maintenance stage

Marketing is needed as well to make your app renowned by the public. Cost Per Install (CPI) is among the most populous means to advertise the app. Accordingly, developers will put an advert on different media channels at certain prices to drive new installation. For example, placing an ad on iOS games costs US$4.3 per install whereas this figure is only US$1.15 on Android games. 

Tips That Will Save You Money on Your App

tips on save app development cost

Optimizing costs on an app yet guaranteeing its efficient performance and appeal to end-users are always the ultimate goal of any company. Here are some common tips to help your company save money in app development:

Determine how much of the development process to conduct internally:

Instead of full outsourcing, many business owners let their internal team handle several pieces they excel at, for example, planning and design, to keep the costs down. 

Choose a dedicated developer:

Whether your app involves a short-term or long-term development process, you always need a dedicated team that is willing to support the deliverable even after its launch. Lack of assistance from the developer will come with additional costs, especially when your app has problems like running sluggishly. 

Grasp your business needs:

No app developer may read your mind, hence struggle to build proper solutions unless you give a vendor detailed requirements and specs about a potential app. To do so, you should understand your company’s existing problems, end-user demands, and even competitors’ digitalization strategies. 

Keep your app simple:

It’s more advisable to focus on several core functions that bring your users the most value and make your brand stand out.

Consider the responsive design and cross-platform functionality

Responsive design facilitates smooth app performance across devices of all sizes. Meanwhile, cross-platform apps can be compatible with both iOS and Android. So these solutions prove more economical than developing apps separately for each operating system.

Communicate with the team:

Frequent interactions between your company and the outsourcing team are necessary to avoid misunderstandings that delay the whole work and incur extra costs. 

Test your deliverable thoroughly:

End-user dissatisfaction with faulty products may directly affect your company’s revenues and even reputation. Also, debugging afterward costs you more. Therefore, testing should be done carefully before the product launch. 


How much does it cost to make an app? The answer relies much on a wide range of components that arise in different app development phases. The mentioned figures in this article are only for reference. So you should work closely with an IT service provider to produce a more precise estimate.

With this latest technology now available, it is a much better option for you to switch to Designveloper. We offer all of the services needed for any size business and more – from web development, mobile application design, and consulting. We are here waiting for your call! Give us a call today if you want an estimate or just some advice on how we can help your company with these new developments in technology!

The post How Much Does It Cost To Make An App? The Truth Behind the Numbers appeared first on Designveloper.

December 29, 2021 at 05:17PM

What Is Mobile App Development: Everything You Need to Know

Mobile-driven activities have gained growing popularity among individual and organizational users. This tendency is developing at a greater rate in upcoming years as an inevitable result of increased business mobility. This undoubtedly arouses the long for customized mobile apps, whether they serve any purposes. 

So what is mobile app development? The article will revolve around this main topic and give you a deep insight into this tech subsegment. 

What is Mobile App Development?

As the name exactly suggests, mobile app development includes all practices and processes of designing and building an application that runs on different operating systems (e.g. iOS or Android) in mobile gadgets. 

This job, however, covers much more essential activities than it. Whether your company uses in-house staffing or external teams to make a mobile app. The main responsibilities often range from identifying existing problems, coming up with feasible ideas to even marketing and upgrading a deliverable after launch. 

As a sub-sector of software development, building a mobile app also ponders such important features as hardware specs, screen sizes, or configurations. To guarantee its compatibility with assorted devices. Also, core and advanced functionality can vary as per your company’s industry (e.g. healthcare, hospitality or banking). Types of apps (i.e. hybrid, native or progressive web) and usage purposes. 

What is about mobile app development that you should know

What are the Different Types of Technologies in Mobile App Development?

Once answering the question “what is mobile app development?”, your company will determine special tools used in each stage of the development process. Accordingly, we’ll divide these technologies into five major categories as follows:

Front-end Development Tools

Elements displayed in the user interface are outcomes of front-end development. To build an attractive outlook for your app. And to increase user experience (UX), both front-end developers and UX/UI designers need such notable programming languages, frameworks and libraries as JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Objective-C or Swift. These technologies and tools can vary across project requirements, operating systems and app types. 

Additionally, the availability of app builders now contributes to ease front-end developers’ work by accompanying already built features and drag-and-drop systems. Some typical development platforms entail Appery, Zoho Creator and Appy Pie. 

Back-end Development Tools

Any requests or data provide by clients on the front-end side will be processed. In the server where customers cannot directly see. Building a long array of reusable features which are centrally monitor behind the screen. Among the main responsibilities of back-end developers. 

Don’t forget to research back-end development tools

Given back-end technologies, you may think of:

  • Coding languages: Kotlin, Swift, Python or Ruby; 
  • Frameworks and libraries: Swiftic, React Native, Node.js and more;
  • Cloud platforms: including infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) such as Google App Engine or Microsoft’s Azure;
  • Database servers: typically IBM Informix or Microsoft SQL Server which facilitates the computer approach to databases;
  • Mobile application servers: functioning as a bridge between the back-end server and the client terminal.

Moreover, your company can make the backend development easier by using backend services namely Back4App, Firebase, or Parse. These platforms offer pre-built functionality in terms of database, security. 

Testing Tools

To guarantee your mobile app is free from bugs and defects, testing before introducing the app to the public is a must. Mobile app testing can be manually or automatically implemented.
In the market now, there is a myriad of free and paid automation tools to test the app performance, typically TestComplete, Kobiton, Avo Assure, and Katalon Studio. 

Project Management Tools

The mobile app development procedure involves the development team, project manager and your company’s representative. To ensure work wraps up by deadline and eliminate unexpected misunderstandings, project management software is need during the process. Accordingly, staff may easily follow their assigned tasks and completion status whereas your company can give feedback in no time. 

What are the Benefits of Developing Your Own App?

When your target customers shift their activities to a virtual world, tailoring your mobile app proves necessary to promptly satisfy their online demands. In turn, your company itself accordingly receive accompanying benefits as follows:

  • Position your brand better: Like other corporate identity factors (e.g. logo or colour), a mobile app also helps engrave your company’s online presence into customer minds by providing intuitive design.
  • Improve communication with customers: The software improves your company’s relationship with end-users through frequent and speedy interactions which they highly appreciate. Even for out-of-office conversations, the app provides chatbots to automatically answer the common questions of customers. This will become your competitive edge and help accelerate your customers’ trust in the company.
  • Enhance efficiency: The introduction of a mobile app undoubtedly enhances worker productivity and ROI. In particular, the software allows staff to collect feedback from customers for the later product improvements and produce reports in real-time. What’s more, employees may save a plethora of data to the cloud.
There are a lot of benefits when making a mobile app

Apart from saving time, features available on mobile apps will help employees have a detailed view of their work performance and accountability. Accordingly, they may suggest viable solutions to enhance the quality of products or services provided.

  • Secure your sensitive data: Depending on industry standards and business requirements, the mobile app comes with custom security features like multi-factor authentication or fingerprint scanning. Such functionality possibly protects confidential information from cyberattacks.

What Do You Need to Know Before Building an App?

The worldwide mobile app market is projected to grow by $653.91 over the forecast period of 2021-2025. For this reason, this industry can bring numerous promising prospects for companies of all kinds to approach their potential niche without hassle. However, it’s also equally important to know whether your company should engage in this world and what you should be prepared for if you decide to build your app. 

Is a Mobile App Essential to Your Company?

A mobile app may come with various merits, but not all companies need to develop one if they find it unnecessary for their long-term growth. Therefore, before investing money and time in customizing an app, you should ask some crucial questions like which opportunities and challenges the software may give you or what the present-day market tendency is. 

Moreover, it’s advisable to understand user demands and competitors, which partially helps you decide whether the app may become an advantage over rivals to increase customer loyalty and engagement.

Length of Time, Cost and Other Requirements of Building an App

Your company should identify the duration and cost of mobile app development unless you want delays and unexpected costs in launching the app to reduce business performance and competitiveness. Further, other specialized requirements should be added to the idea-building process, suit your business goals and solve your business’s current issues. Given your business capacity, you should also ponder whether developing an app internally or externally is a better option.  

App Feasibility and Usability

No matter which type of mobile app your company aims at, it should be built based on end-user stories. In other words, your potential app should be equipped with intuitive UI design and tailored functionality that delivers business value to customers with ease and emphasizes their demands. 

what is app feasibility and usability

To test the viability of your new idea, you may factor in building a minimum viable app (MVP) first. This software only includes the most important features and helps you learn about your end-user reactions faster. 

Security Solutions

Information security is always one of the important issues your company should precede, especially in vulnerable industries like finance or healthcare. 

Continual User Involvement

Apart from app feasibility and usability, other factors should consider getting existing and potential customers involved in the app with enthusiasm.

No player wants their game to be interrupted by disturbing ads nor do shoppers want retail stores to give them no benefits (e.g. higher discount rates or free shipping) for online shopping. Therefore, thinking of how to make your users love to use the app continuously should be prioritized as well.

Money Earning From an App

Monetizing a mobile app is what many non-commerce companies do to get funds for operating the software. Game apps may charge fees for in-game items while reading apps may incorporate in-app advertisements that show up between chapters. Depending on which app type your company plans to build, money-making methods may vary but should avoid annoying users. 

How Can You Find a Good Developer for Your App?

Besides the in-house workforce, you may allocate much of the development job to several individual freelancers or an outsourcing company. Finding a mobile app developer now isn’t so daunting if you spend time wandering around freelance websites (e.g. Fiver or Toptal) and B2B directories (e.g. or or even making use of your network to seek one. 

How-Can -You-Find-a-Good-Developer-for-Your-App?
A good developer is the one-stop-shop important thing that you need to have

In this section, we’ll list some noticeable tips to help your business find a good developer for your app development project:

  1. Clarify business objectives: 

Your desired app won’t be successfully developed if you have no specific app idea, target niche and business needs. Important questions should be asked so that you may envision your potential product, like “what does your company want to achieve from an app?” or “what are your company’s current problems?” and “how does the app help your business to solve these issues?”

  1. Do thorough research:

An excellent developer isn’t always compatible with your business. Therefore, it’s more advisable to discover a developer’s areas of specialization, development process, project management, average rates and legal contracts. 

  1. Learn about a developer’s experience:

In addition to the given criteria, your company should spend time looking at the developer’s experience. Unbiased reviews and ratings on reliable B2B directories may help you to do so.

  1. Pay attention to communication:

Communication is an important factor throughout the development process. So if a potential developer and your company fail to understand each other at the beginning, nothing ensures the later partnership will go well. Therefore, you should observe how the developer understands your current problem. Or focus on business demands as well as whether the IT vendor uses any tool to boost communication between both parties during the procedure. 

How Does It Work?

The mobile app development process can slightly vary across developers. But it often covers several main steps already mentioned in the first section “What is mobile app development?”.  Below is a typical example of how a mobile app project at Designveloper from A to Z:

Example of Designveloper’s working process
  • Define problems: In the first meeting, albeit online or in-person, with clients, the outsourcing company will assist them to identify and analyze existing issues;
  • Consult solutions: Afterwards, the company will suggest digital solutions that suit clients’ pre-determined business goals and tech specs;
  • Estimate: Once finalizing a solution, those involved will gauge possible costs and time to complete the project;
  • Design and develop: At this stage, the development team will begin creating UX/UI designs and building back-end servers based on the required metrics. Communication between the parties will proceed to see how the work goes and whether any modifications made;
  • Test: App defects and faults discover in this stage will be immediately corrected before the finished deliverable is release;
  • Support and maintain: The IT service provider continues supporting clients through maintenance and upgrade services to make essential changes based on end-user feedback.


Mobile app development has a more prospective future as a result of increased mobility. In the article What is Mobile App Development: Everything You Need to Know, we hope you will better knowledge of this sector to make a sensible decision in building an app.

The post What Is Mobile App Development: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Designveloper.

December 29, 2021 at 04:28PM

5 Mobile App Development Companies in India You Should Know

India’s mobile app development industry has seen rapid growth in the last decade. With more than 600 million smartphone users in India, apps have become a necessity for most people. However, it can be difficult to know which company to choose when you need an app for your business or product. Here is a list of the top mobile app development companies in India you might want to know about:

1. Algoworks

2. Hyperlink Infosystem

3. TechAhead

4. Appinventiv

5. Indus Net Technologies

Mobile app development company in India

India’s mobile app market is one of the most saturated in the world. With more than 600 million smartphone users in India, apps have become a necessity for most people.

India has companies that are focused on creating apps across all sectors of the industry, from agriculture to healthcare to education. This diversity makes it easy for businesses looking to create an app to find a company that suits their needs.

Additionally, since there are so many app developers in India, it can be difficult to know which company to choose when you need an app for your business or product. There are some great companies out there, but here are some that stand out:


Algoworks the mobile app development company in India
Algoworks the mobile app development company in India

This is the top mobile app development company in India. They have a team of more than 100 developers with extensive knowledge of the latest technologies. The company helps businesses with their mobile app development needs. Whether you need a custom app, an SDK integration, or a hybrid mobile app, Algoworks can help your business succeed with mobile app development.

They offer services in key areas of enterprise mobile app development, enterprise content management solutions(CMS), customer relationship management (CRM), and software product engineering. Algoworks is one of the top service providers in SaaS technologies like Salesforce that can provide a consultative-driven approach to optimize software processes for businesses. Our experts follow an end-to-end approach when providing mobility solutions too!

Hyperlink Infosystem is one of the top mobile app development companies in India.
Hyperlink Infosystem is one of the top mobile app development companies in India.

This is one of the top mobile app development companies in India. Founded in 2011 by Harnil Oza. The company has developed more than 100 apps for companies of all sizes, across various industries.

Some of the brands that have hired this team to create mobile apps are Papa John’s Pizza delivery app, Vocal coach app, Digital banking solution, Scan To Go – document scanner app, and more…

This is a popular IT service provider in Ahmedabad, India. It offers its clients top-notch results and solutions across various industries. The company structures itself to offer customers a more acquirable experience with its range of practical services.


TechAhead is the most popular mobile app development company in India
TechAhead is the most popular mobile app development company in India

They are an expert app development company that has helped many brands to create innovative apps for their target audience. 

TechAhead has created more than 125,000 apps for enterprises and has designed more than 1 million apps. A huge success story for TechAhead is Haulink, a project by BT Trucking, one of the oldest and most influential transportation companies out of Chicago. For decades they have been providing state-of-the-art services to enterprises across America.

TechAhead specializes in :

– Security applications

– Content management

– Location-based services

– Social networking applications

– Ecommerce solutions

– Healthcare software solutions

– Gaming apps

– Utility solutions


Appinventiv is a mobile app development company in India that provides custom software development services
Appinventiv is a mobile app development company in India that provides custom software development services

They offer a wide range of software products and services to help businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations take their innovation to the next level. They have been developing apps for over five years and have successfully delivered over 500 highly successful projects.

Indus Net Technologies

Indus Net Technologies is one of the best mobile app development companies in India
Indus Net Technologies is one of the best Mobile app development companies in India
With over 10 years of experience in mobile app development, they specialize in Android and iOS app development. They offer state-of-the-art services for all your business needs.

1. Expertise

2. Quality

3. Engagement

4. Cost

5. Scalability

The disadvantage of working with India’s mobile app development company is the language barrier. A lot of local developers don’t speak English, which can make it difficult to communicate your business’s needs. You may also need to conduct a bit of market research on mobile app development companies in India before making a decision.

If you want a high-quality mobile app that has been developed as per your specifications, you may want to choose one of the top five mobile app development companies in other countries: Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan,…

How to choose the best one for your needs?

If you’re looking for a mobile app development company in India, you need to make sure the company has the skills and knowledge to create an app that will help your business grow. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a company:

  1. Company experience: Make sure to find out how long they’ve been creating apps and how many apps they’ve developed.

2. Services offered: A good company should offer all of the services needed to create an app for your business, including design, development, marketing, and more.

3. Pricing: Prices vary depending on the complexity of your project. Make sure you understand what is included in the price before making a final decision on which company to choose.

4. Prestige: You want your business or product to be associated with quality work that delivers results. Find out more about their customers and see if they have any testimonials on their website or social media page.

Have you ever worked with another global outsourcing company?

Still can’t find any mobile development company in India? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered, here is something about another choice: working with other global companies.

By working with a global outsourcing company, you’re able to capitalize on their expertise and resources. They have years of experience in the field, so they can provide your company with the best possible service. They also have access to a global client base that can help your business grow and expand.

Additionally, outsourced services are often less expensive than domestic ones. With a global outsourcing firm, you can have access to a wide range of skilled professionals from all over the world who can deliver high-quality products and services for your business at an affordable price tag.

Some of the top mobile development companies in Vietnam you might want to look for:


It doesn’t matter what type of app you are looking to develop, every company needs a developer to get the job done. If you are looking for a mobile app development company in India, you have come to the right place. India is one of the most diverse countries in the world with over 1 billion people. Naturally, there are many great developers that call this country home. These developers can help you create any kind of app you want whether it is for personal use or commercial purposes.

You know it’s not easy to make the right decision, but we at Designveloper are here to help. We offer a wide range of services from mobile applications and web development to business consulting. Just tell us now for free estimates! Don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you want your company to need any upgrades with this latest technology that’s available today.

The post 5 Mobile App Development Companies in India You Should Know appeared first on Designveloper.

December 28, 2021 at 05:07PM

The 7 Best Languages for App Development in 2022

There are more than 6,900 languages in the world, but only a handful are used to create apps.

Knowledge of these languages will allow you to be more employable with app development skills.

The best languages for app development are among others:

1. Swift (for Apple devices)

2. Java (for Android devices)

3. Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

4. C++

5. C#

6. Python

7. JavaScript.

Top 7 best languages for app development

With the rise of the mobile app market, it’s no wonder why more and more people are looking to create apps of their own. With so many languages and frameworks out there, it can be hard to know which one will work best for you. This quick guide has all the information you need about the 7 best languages for app development. From Swift to Kotlin, we will give you an overview of each language and what makes them stand out. This is your one-stop shop for all things app development.

Swift (for Apple devices)

Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development
Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development

Swift is a programming language by Apple, originally designed as a successor to Objective-C. It has been used since 2014 as a replacement for Objective-C in most Apple products.

Swift is a general purpose programming language, with modern features targeting desktop and server development. Swift’s syntax is based on that of Objective-C, but it introduces many changes to the original Concepts from that language.


Swift is a programming language for iOS and macOS app development. Swift is a general-purpose programming language, but was designed with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks in mind, making it very effective for developing iOS apps.

There are several reasons why Swift is a good choice for app development:

  • Swift uses less lines of code than other languages to do the same job.
  • The syntax is easy to learn by following rules that are similar to other languages like Java, C++, and Python.
  • It has many powerful features like type inference, generics, closures, fast compile times, and more that make coding simpler and faster than it would be otherwise.
  • The compiler is really intelligent so it can catch errors quickly during compilation rather than you having to run your code before it finds any errors which would cause delays in development time later on in the process.
  • There are great online resources available to help you learn how to use Swift efficiently including books about Swift or courses through Stanford University’s open courseware or MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) project (


Programming in Swift is not always easy.

The learning curve for this language is much higher than other programming languages, which means it will take much longer before you’re able to create an app.

The code for Swift also tends to be more verbose and can sometimes be more difficult to read. This is because the language was designed with safety in mind and reads like English.

Swift has much stricter type-checking than other languages, so if your code doesn’t match the type you set, an error will occur preventing you from compiling the app.

Lastly, due to Apple’s tightly-controlled ecosystem, Swift is exclusively limited to iOS development, meaning that there’s no way for developers who work on Android devices to use this language.

Java (for Android devices)

The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)
The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s also widely used for mobile devices.

Java was created by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are many reasons why it’s useful for app development:

1. Java is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used for a wide range of purposes.

2. It offers portability across different platforms and operating systems because it can run on any system with a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

3. It’s object-oriented, which means you can write software that uses objects to represent things or actions in your program—so, if you wanted to create a car in Java, you could create a car object and use it to interact with other pieces of code inside your program.


Java is a programming language that was designed to function well with the Internet and its security needs. Java is one of just a handful of languages that can be used to develop apps for Android and iOS devices, and it’s the most popular language for application development.

The pros of using Java as your programming language include:

  • It’s object-oriented
  • Its syntax is similar to C++, C#, and more
  • Its code is easy to read
  • It has a large digital library (available online)

There are many reasons why you should learn Java programming. Learning this language will help you get better at app development and make more money in the future.


Java is a programming language that was created for the Java platform to enable programmers to build and use objects.

Java is very popular, but not without its disadvantages. Java is often criticized for being overused and bloated, which can make it run slowly. This is especially true if you are developing an app for an older cell phone. With this in mind, you may want to explore other languages, such as Swift or C++, which are newer and more efficient.

Java also requires developers to use large amounts of code just to do simple tasks, which can be frustrating for less experienced programmers who are just getting started with the language.

Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)
Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. Objective-C is an object-oriented language that features dynamic typing, partial typing, named parameters for methods and function calls, numerous data types including objects, structs, arrays, strings, etc.

Objective-C was originally developed in the 1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love at Stepstone (now part of Novell). It was created as an extension of the C programming language to support OOP (object oriented programming) techniques.

It supports both OS X and Windows OS’s.


  • Objective-C is a powerful programming language that was developed to work on both Apple and Android devices.
  • Unlike Swift, Objective-C does not have a runtime library, meaning that the software has to be compiled before it can run. Because of this, Objective-C is considered a lower level programming language.
  • Objective-C is object oriented and supports procedural programming as well as functional programming.
  • It also allows for inheritance from parent classes, which make it easier to build upon other people’s work without having to start from scratch.


Objective-C is a difficult language to learn. In order to become an effective programmer in the language, you have to know a lot of different concepts and commands.

You can’t do as much with Objective-C as you can with other languages. There are not a lot of options for developers when it comes to using this language, so if you want your app idea to be successful, it has to be simple enough for the Objective-C programming language.

Some say that it’s not as efficient as other languages. For example, Java is more efficient because of how it handles memory allocation.


C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

It is the language that’s used by many game developers and software engineers.

It’s also great for beginners too, as it has object-oriented capabilities, which makes it easier to learn.

C++ the best language for app development
C++ the best language for app development


C++ is a general-purpose programming language that has been around for more than 40 years. It’s still used by students to learn programming, and it’s one of the most popular languages among professional software developers.

C++ has powerful features that allow you to find bugs quickly and produce high-performance code. It is often used in cases where speed is essential, such as video games or operating systems. One feature, const, allows you to define immutable values at the time of definition rather than when they are used for the first time.

Another plus for C++ is that it supports both object-oriented programming and procedural programming styles, which makes it easy to switch between them depending on your needs. C++ also offers better support for inline assembly than other languages like Java or Objective-C do.


C++ is an object-oriented programming language that was developed in 1980. It offers many benefits, but it also has disadvantages.

There are positives to C++, like the ability to create more secure code and debug errors quickly. However, it can be difficult to find programmers who know this language and it is less user-friendly than other languages.

Additionally, not all web browsers support C++, which makes it difficult for programmers to use this language for web apps.

It’s also worth noting that C++ cannot run on devices with a low system RAM (random access memory). The only benefit of this is that the app will be much faster if it does work on these devices!


C# and Python are two popular choices among app developers, but they’re not as common as the other languages. If you want to learn a new language and need some guidance, these two will give you the best return on your time investment.

C# the best language for app development
C# the best language for app development

If you’re an app developer looking for a new challenge, C# is a formidable choice. It’s one of the most common programming languages in the world, and it’s used by Microsoft. You can use C# to write programs for all Windows devices as well as for apps in Windows Phone and Xbox One.

Python is one of many popular programming languages used by app developers. It is also designed with usability in mind and is supported by a large user base. You can use it to develop cross-platform apps and games on iOS and Android devices. It’s also powerful enough to be used in web applications, machine learning projects, data science problems, hardware interfaces – basically anything you want!


If you’re looking for a language that’s easy to learn, has an efficient syntax, and is open source then the C# programming language might be a good choice.

C# is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft designed for building a variety of different applications. It was released in 2000 as a successor to another Microsoft language called C++.

C#’s features include:

  • Powerful object-oriented programming capabilities
  • Support for multiple languages 
  • Support for libraries of code written in other languages, such as C++ and Visual Basic .NET 
  • Support for multitasking and multithreading
  • Garbage collection


The C# language is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is currently one of the most popular languages used to develop apps for Windows, Android, iOS, and many other devices.

C# has a great deal of similarities to Java in syntax and structure. However, it does have its own unique aspects.

One downside to this programming language is that it lacks a large community of developers and programmers who can help enhance the code or provide support. This means that if you are looking for more information on how to use this language, you will not find as much readily available information as you would with another language such as Java.


Python is a great language for app development because it’s both easy to read and learn. Python is also very popular among developers, which means there are plenty of resources available to help you out as you develop your skills.


It’s also cross-platform, so you can use it on either iOS or Android devices without having to switch languages.

Python has a ton of libraries that make it easier than ever before to build the perfect app. Some of these libraries include:

  • Xcode (for iOS) 2. Interface Builder (for Android)
  • WebSocket API
  • SQLite3


Python is a general-purpose language that is easy to learn and has a user-friendly design. Python, in many ways, can be viewed as the “staircase” of programming languages. It has been designed to make your programming journey easier and more intuitive.

The language is interpreted rather than compiled, which means it executes one line at a time rather than all at once. This makes developing with Python a lot quicker and simpler- not to mention that it’s also free!

Python was built with the beginner in mind, so you won’t have to worry about any confusing parts of the code when you’re just starting out. Developed by Guido van Rossum, Python was first presented publicly on December 2, 1989. Those who have learned this programming language have praised its simplicity and readability. 


The benefits of this language are many, but it’s not without its drawbacks.

Python is a good language for beginners to learn because it has fewer rules and is easy to read. You can create programs with fewer lines of code, which reduces the time needed for coding.

However,this language isn’t suitable for large-scale projects. For this reason, you need to know another programming language, like Java or C++.

Additionally, if you work in an academic setting or want to use this language in your research or data analysis project, you’ll find that there are very few libraries available to help with these tasks.


JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is primarily used for client-side scripting on web pages. It has been standardized in the ECMA standardization committee.

JavaScript the best language for app development
JavaScript the best language for app development

The language was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape Communications to allow programmers to reuse code that had already been written. This allowed programmers to focus more on the design of the application instead of writing code from scratch.

The language was originally known as LiveScript until version 1.0 where it was renamed NetScape JavaScript due to trademark issues.


  • The language is relatively new and therefore less ‘dated’ than other languages
  • The language is supported by the most popular browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.
  • It’s a versatile language that offers you to build apps with backend dynamism and frontend complexity.
  • It has a vast community of developers and programmers who are willing to help beginners in their journey of learning the language.
  • JavaScript is easy to learn as it doesn’t require any formal education and basic computer/web knowledge is enough to start programming in it.
  • The language can be used for web development but can also be used for desktop app development which makes it a highly flexible language for various purposes.


  • JavaScript is not a compiled programming language, meaning that it cannot be easily changed and updated.
  • It’s difficult to find qualified developers who know JavaScript.
  • There are many cross-platform programming languages available (e.g., Java, iOS, Android).


Developing apps has become a big business in the past few years. There are a wide variety of mobile operating systems out there, and new ones coming out all the time. With more than 2 million apps available on app stores worldwide, it’s important to know which languages are most popular for developing apps.

However, Designveloper is excited to help you become the newest technology pioneer. We provide all of the services needed for any size business and more! Make sure we get in touch with our team if you want an estimate or just some advice on how your company can take advantage of this new field.

The post The 7 Best Languages for App Development in 2022 appeared first on Designveloper.

December 28, 2021 at 04:09PM

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