Web application Development process

We’ve prepared this web application development process guide for those of you who want to learn about the best practices of creating web apps. Whether you want to know how to build a web application from scratch or need to optimize the way your team works this guide will come in handy.

Imagine that you have an app idea that could disrupt the market and win the hearts of millions of users. In order to find out whether it becomes the next unicorn, however, you need to translate your vision into a working product. Without it, it’s just another idea.

Web application development process

Build an in-house web development team

At the same time, hiring well-skilled people could be a considerable investment, and every mistake will be costly. Furthermore, hiring new team members has a lot of benefits, especially if it’s a long-term strategy: you get to hand-pick people who fit your team’s culture perfectly and share the same values. having a highly engaged and reliable team is the goal of many founders.

Pick an external technical partner

The risk you’re facing, however, is that the team you end up choosing turns out not to be the right fit for your needs. Furthermore, this is an appealing option because partnering up with an external web development team is much quicker than building your own.

Try to seek companies that treat you as a partner, not just a customer: the best development vendors can provide market insights and valuable feedback regarding your product.

How to build a web app?

Once you have decided whether you want to hire new team members or deliver this project with an outsourced web development team, it’s time to start shaping your product. Furthermore, the process recommended by us starts with drafting the foundations: determining your business goal and outlining the main deliverables.

Step 1: Conceptualizing the product

Even if your initial idea was somewhat vague, for instance, building “the next Uber” or “Tinder for clothes”, now you have more details about your future product. And, here at Apptension, when working with clients who try to refine their product vision, we usually rely on mind maps or apps like Milanote.

Step 2: Discovery Phase

The kick-off meeting could be followed by a discovery phase we always recommend it to our clients. The discovery phase is the period during which you and your team can:

  • Verify the feasibility of the initial vision by building software prototypes.
  • Test different technologies and tools.
  • Define the Minimum Valuable Product (MVP).
  • Design the infrastructure and plan the deployments of your product.
  • Uncover the in-depth needs, wants, and pains of your target audience.
A discovery phase helps to reduce many web development-related risks, as you get to try out different scenarios and pick the optimal one. Furthermore, dedicating some time to get this groundwork done will pay off: working with a defined and tested set of requirements will be more productive and effective.

Step 3: Wireframes & Designs

Product design is a crucial step in the web development process. As a consumer, you often see colorful interfaces that catch your attention, but the most successful designs have very humble beginnings.

And, Starting with low-fidelity wireframes or mockups is an efficient way to verify whether your ideas resonate with the end-users, and the web app is intuitive to use. If you're working with an external team, the wireframing stage is also an opportunity to double-check if their work is aligned with your vision.

Step 4: Development

The process of software development can be supported by a framework suited to your needs. At Apptension, we follow agile frameworks, which are perfect for building web apps. Furthermore, one of the most significant advantages of the agile approach is that you can deliver value continuously and be flexible when it comes to your project’s scope.

In order for your product to be of excellent quality, you should include a QA specialist in your team and test each product increment. Effective quality assurance is not a “testing stage” somewhere at the end of the software development process, but rather a continuous process integrated with the development efforts.


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