5 Important Things Every Drupal Developer Should Know

Drupal is one of the most flexible CMSs in the market right now. It can be configured with thousands of community built modules, which can greatly extend the functionality of a website. So, if you are wondering why we should use Drupal, I will show a important of this.

important Drupal 8

1. Know your Modules

They’re the building blocks to make a website function. It’s why having a definite set of modules that work well together is very important. And, Modules are very important in Drupal. Nowadays, in a market have a lot of Modules to you can choose 1 for your company.

2. Don’t touch the Core

Drupal like any CMS implementation, so when you install Drupal for the first time, you’re installing a core set of files known as the Drupal core. Moreover, you can imagine Drupal is foundation of a house, the same thing happens when you modify Drupal’s core files.

Furthermore, this can lead to issues when using Drupal’s core administrator capabilities, and can also affect modules that have been installed on the Drupal and app website ideas. In some cases, you need update a Drupal core files to the latest version to fix a vulnerability in Drupal.

3. How to Keep the Hackers Out

Hackers are dangerous of every computer or developer, but to keep Drupal safe and secure, you should know when a security update is available for the Drupal core or modules included on the website, because Drupal is an open source community-driven CMS, it is more likely to be susceptible to exploits.

4. Get Organized

If your Drupal site is customized, you may need to use Drupal’s templating system. Besides, having multiple templates can also be a curse if not organized properly. Organize your templates into separate folders to make them easier to find. E.g., all the node templates that allow you to customize content types will be placed in a “node” folder, field templates will be placed in a field folder, and so on.

5. Learn to Use Drush

Drupal also has a shell interface called Drush that allows you to perform various tasks from the server’s command line. Moreover, It’s a powerful way to automate certain tasks like syncing databases between two servers, and it also allows you to get common tasks done without having to navigate through Drupal’s Admin interface.

There are many other considerations when building out a Drupal website, to me, these as the 5 most important rules to follow. So, you are building out your first website or maintaining an existing website, these considerations can be applied at any stage of the website’s life cycle.


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