6 Smart ideas to measure Developer Productivity

Code in and of itself doesn’t make a difference. It is the features that developers make that matter. Today we’re going to share seven creative ideas to measure developer productivity that will help you measure things that have a positive impact on your product and your development practices.

1. Closed Tickets

Counting the number of cards a developer closes over a certain period allows us to see what actual work is getting closed off. Most software projects get managed with a ticketing system that logs the work to be done as individual tickets. Not all tickets are equal, which is why many teams opt to score tickets by effort. Scoring makes it easier to see if someone is working through lots of straightforward cards and leaving the longer, harder tickets to someone else.

Measuring closed tickets is an excellent metric if the tasks are written well and assigned based on business priority. When more tickets get closed, more good things are happening with the project, be that bugs getting closed off or features made.

2. Deploys

Getting work in front of users is the best way to get feedback and to provide value to them. Measuring deploys works well because you’re measuring changes that are getting shared with your users. A deploy is a unit of work that has made it from development to a live web server. Once something has been deployed, it is available for people to use.

You want to encourage your development team to release code often, but you want to make sure that the quality of the code remains high. Like measuring closed tickets, the vast majority of modern platforms will have a smooth and automated way to measure deploys and also to see what work went into a deploy.

3. Documentation Written

Most internal tools like Basecamp or Notion have page counts and attribute pages or parts of pages to the people who edited them. When done well, it can have a lasting positive impact on the rest of the development team, often for a longer time than the developer was there.

Writing documentation is an incredibly under-appreciated skill in development. Documentation can take many forms. Documentation for documentation’s sake can become burdensome, so look out for developers reinventing the wheel by documenting something that they really should have just linked to instead. Measuring documentation written is a bit harder than anything else we’ve talked about, and it depends mainly on how you store your documentation.

4. Stand-up Items Covered

If your team does daily stand-ups, they often follow a standard pattern: what I got done yesterday, what I’m doing today, what is blocking me. This type of measurement shows consistency. If you have a team of people who frequently meet or exceed expectations, you know they’re working well together.

An issue you might face measuring developer productivity this way is it might slow down the standup to ask people to clarify why things didn’t get done, even if there are perfectly reasonable explanations. One of the many reasons why we favor text-based stand-ups is that it reduces the need for one person to be on top of record taking. If stand-ups happen in person, the best way to measure would be for the person leading the stand-up to take notes.

5. Forward Movement

In those cases, you can measure forward movement. Forward movement means the change of a card from the left of a Kanban board, to the right. This type of measurement incentivizes all forms of positive movement. Sometimes tickets get stuck because developers don’t know the complete solution, but they can make positive steps towards finding that solution.

A ticket might go from “Needs Investigation” to “Doing” to “In Quality Assurance”. Each time the ticket moves to the right, that is a positive movement. If the ticket ends up moving backwards, that is a negative movement. Development teams don’t work in a silo and, depending on what other business processes are in play, measuring things like closed tickets might not apply.

6. Code Reviews Completed

Measuring code reviews completed means counting how many code reviews are submitted or reviewed by someone on the team. One of the easiest ways to improve code quality and ensure your developers are learning is to make sure changes are getting reviewed before they get deployed. Be careful though, code review is a time-consuming process and returns little value if the developers in question go through the motions and don’t take the required time to understand the code correctly.

Code review is an essential part of mature software development. Measuring how many reviews get completed indicates how much buy-in code review has within the team, and acts as a proxy for a lot of the other metrics we’ve mentioned.

What makes a Delivery App successful?

If you can even act on one of these tips, then you are going to be much better off with developing your delivery app. This post is going to dig into three aspects of a delivery app that make them successful.

Not only is it tough will technology always advancing, but there are a lot of people trying to gain market share in the delivery app industry. Delivery apps are becoming a huge industry and it seems like it is getting very competitive.

Good User Interface

With a great user interface, it will show your users that you care about their experience and you want them to easily navigate through your app. Like with any app, you need to develop the app with the user in mind. If you are not putting yourself in the shoes of your users, then you are doomed to fail.

A good delivery app has a great user interface that satisfies the user’s needs. This may seem like pretty general app advice, but it is obviously going to help you with developing a delivery app.

Advanced Navigation Features

Obviously, if you are talking about a delivery app, then you are going to need a great navigation feature. Whether you are using the app to deliver something or track a delivery, then you are going to need an amazing navigation and mapping feature.

Features like amazing mapping services will set your app apart from the rest in my opinion, and the proof is out there if you look around.

It is vital that you have great navigation features that make it easy for users to use. If you have a poor mapping and navigation system, then there is almost no way that your delivery app is any good.

Avoid Bugs and Problems

A quick way to destroy the credibility of your delivery app is to have major glitches and bugs. They really do make customers think that you do not care about their experience and that you are just in it for the money.

Outsourcing some of you develop could end up being one of the best investments that you could make. It takes a real expert to develop an app that has virtually no problems. That is even why some people opt to use custom on-demand delivery app experts to help them out.

If you can show customers that you care with a great experience, then you will be set up for success. Nothing is much worse than a lot of problems. Apps are the same exact way, so remember that! If you play a game that is broken with bugs and glitches, then that game will get a terrible review from you.


How to become a front end developer in 2021

Front end developers are some of the most in-demand roles, and for good reason—we wouldn’t get to enjoy internet black holes without them. And, we’ll break down all the skills front end developers use and need, but the first is a front end development definition:

Definition of front end developer in 2021:

A front end web developer is the person who implements web designs through coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you find a front end developer jobs you can see everywhere. In the navigation, layouts including this article page, even the way that a site looks different from your phone (thanks to mobile-first or responsive design).

So, what are skills to you can learn to become a front end developer?

Front end always use primary coding languages to code the website and web app designs created by web designers including to:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript

The code they write runs inside the user’s browser (as opposed to a back end developer, whose code runs on the web server). And, Front end is the one who lays out the streets and makes sure everything is connected properly so people can live their lives.

A front end web developer is also in charge of making sure that there are no errors or bugs on the front end, as well as making sure that the design appears as it’s supposed to across various platforms and browsers.


HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language and CSS is Cascading Style Sheets are the most basic building blocks of web coding. There are two things, you will you to create a website design. You can’t even add images to a page without HTML.

Based on my experience you’ll have to master coding with HTML and CSS. The good news is that getting a solid working knowledge of either of these can be done in just a few weeks.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript lets you add a ton more functionality to your websites, and you can create a lot of basic web applications using nothing more than HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS for short). Moreover, JavaScript is used to create and control things like maps that update in real time, interactive films, and online games.

It’s also the most popular programming language in the world, so regardless of your dev career plans, it’s a super valuable thing to learn.

3. JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript Frameworks including to: AngularJS, Backbone, Ember, and ReactJS. There are different types of JavaScript frameworks for different needs, though the four mentioned are the most popular in actual job listings.

4. Front End Frameworks

CSS and front end frameworks and they do for JavaScript: they give you a jumping-off point for faster coding. Most front end developer job listings expect you to be familiar with how these frameworks work and how to use them.

5. CSS Preprocessors

With my experience about CSS Preprocessors. Preprocessors are another element that a front end developer can use to speed up CSS coding. It processes your code before you publish it to your website, and turns it into well-formatted and cross-browser friendly CSS. SASS and LESS are the two most in-demand preprocessors, according to real job listings.

6. Responsive and Mobile Design

This means that the site’s layout (and sometimes functionality and content) change based on the screen size and device someone is using. And, responsive and mobile design skills are super important to employers.

Mobile design can include responsive design, but also includes creating separate mobile-specific designs. A bank website with online banking, for example, would benefit from a separate mobile site that lets users view things like the closest bank location and a simplified account view (since mobile screens are smaller).

If front end web development sounds pretty awesome to you, you’re probably wondering where to actually get started. Let's try learn more and more and work, apsolutelly, in the future you will become a master front end developer


Top 5 Best Application Development Software

I guess in 2021, application development software will become the head major of technology major. So this post, I want to introduce to you the 5 best application development software in 2021. Especially, you can compare 5 app with together and consider you to choose one of 5 application in here.

Best application development software

So now let's see

The Top 1: TestRail Test Case Management

TestRail helps you manage and track your software testing efforts and organize your QA department. And, if you know about NASA maybe you will a people use TestRail to create test cases, manage test runs, and coordinate your entire testing process.

Furthermore, Boost your software testing with scalable, customizable test case management. Efficiently manage manual and automated test cases, plans, and runs. Get real-time insights into testing progress with informative dashboards, metrics, and activity reports plus email notifications.

Top 2: GitHub

That's right, GitHub still a big company about software and technology, I think this company will develop faster and faster. Software that enables development teams to collaborate, and review and manage code. Works with Windows, Mac, and mobile devices.

They created new software for everyone, including farmers, workers, students..... Absolutely they will more successful in the future

Top 3: Azura

Azure, is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides software as a service, platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and supports many different programming languages, tools, and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems.


DHTMLX libraries include different JavaScript components for building rich web apps: Suite with 20+ UI widgets like grid, calendar, form, layout etc, Gantt chart and Scheduler for developing project management apps, Diagramming library, Pivot table, Vault and Spreadsheet.

All DHTMLX products are pure JavaScript components with rich and flexible API, highly customizable and editable, with support for all server-side and client-side technologies, working equally well in all major browsers.

Top 5: Buddy

Buddy is a smart CI/CD tool for web developers designed to lower the entry threshold to DevOps. It uses delivery pipelines to build, test and deploy software. The pipelines are created with over 100 ready-to-use actions that can be arranged in any way just like you build a house of bricks.


5 Essential Project Management Skills

Project management skills is not an easy job. In fact, it’s several not-easy jobs, including the initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing of a project. Project is delegated to a team of your choosing, given specific goals to achieve over a defined timeline for a determined budget.

There are certainly more than just the following 10, but if you have these, you have the foundation on which to build a successful career in project management.

5 essential project management skills

Top 1: Communication

Communication is king of management so communications really go hand-in-glove with leadership. You can’t be an effective leader if you’re not able to articulate what it is you need your team to do. Besides, But you’re not only going to be communicating with your team, you’ll need to have clear communications with everyone associated with the project, from vendors and contractors to stakeholders and customers.

Top 2: Risk Management

It’s part of your job to see those issues before they become problems. Therefore, before executing the project, you have to put in the work to identify, assess, and control risk. Although, the more you can manage risk, the more likely your project is going to succeed. Of course, you can’t anticipate everything that might happen over the life cycle of your project.

There will be unanticipated issues that arise, so you need to have a process in place to handle those when they come up.

Top 3: Cost Management

Your first job is to make sure that budget is realistic and can meet the financial needs of the project, and, secondly, controlling those costs through the execution of the project. Furthermore, unless you are lucky and work for an organization with unlimited funds, you’re going to have certain financial constraints, and more likely, be given a very tight budget. It takes a great deal of skill to figure out how to squeeze every cent out of those limited funds.

Top 4: Leadership (really important)

If you want to became a leader in the future, It’s a bit of a slippery skill in that some believe you’re born with leadership skills and that they can’t be taught. After all, what’s the alternative? As a project manager you’re responsible not only for seeing the project through to a successful completion, but you’re leading a team to achieve that goal.

Top 5: Task Management

Here’s another one of those technical skills that should be stamped onto the DNA of every project leader. If scheduling is bedrock to project management, than tasks are mortar that holds everything together.

You can look at this as making a super to-do list, which is not entirely wrong, but as you add complexity you’ll also want to add the tools to help you manage these tasks more efficiently.

Here are 5 skills to you can manage your company and project, You can have all the skills in the world, but without the right skills you’ll still be working at a disadvantage.


5 Important Things Every Drupal Developer Should Know

Drupal is one of the most flexible CMSs in the market right now. It can be configured with thousands of community built modules, which can greatly extend the functionality of a website. So, if you are wondering why we should use Drupal, I will show a important of this.

important Drupal 8

1. Know your Modules

They’re the building blocks to make a website function. It’s why having a definite set of modules that work well together is very important. And, Modules are very important in Drupal. Nowadays, in a market have a lot of Modules to you can choose 1 for your company.

2. Don’t touch the Core

Drupal like any CMS implementation, so when you install Drupal for the first time, you’re installing a core set of files known as the Drupal core. Moreover, you can imagine Drupal is foundation of a house, the same thing happens when you modify Drupal’s core files.

Furthermore, this can lead to issues when using Drupal’s core administrator capabilities, and can also affect modules that have been installed on the Drupal and app website ideas. In some cases, you need update a Drupal core files to the latest version to fix a vulnerability in Drupal.

3. How to Keep the Hackers Out

Hackers are dangerous of every computer or developer, but to keep Drupal safe and secure, you should know when a security update is available for the Drupal core or modules included on the website, because Drupal is an open source community-driven CMS, it is more likely to be susceptible to exploits.

4. Get Organized

If your Drupal site is customized, you may need to use Drupal’s templating system. Besides, having multiple templates can also be a curse if not organized properly. Organize your templates into separate folders to make them easier to find. E.g., all the node templates that allow you to customize content types will be placed in a “node” folder, field templates will be placed in a field folder, and so on.

5. Learn to Use Drush

Drupal also has a shell interface called Drush that allows you to perform various tasks from the server’s command line. Moreover, It’s a powerful way to automate certain tasks like syncing databases between two servers, and it also allows you to get common tasks done without having to navigate through Drupal’s Admin interface.

There are many other considerations when building out a Drupal website, to me, these as the 5 most important rules to follow. So, you are building out your first website or maintaining an existing website, these considerations can be applied at any stage of the website’s life cycle.


Why Software needs a performance testing strategy?

Suppose you have built a killer software that has been approved by your customer with smiles and handshakes and got enthusiastic thumbs-ups from your beta testers. Besides, you must eliminate potential glitches in your software before they could affect the application’s performance. At this stage, you need a thorough performance testing strategy to ensure the software meets the client’s requirements and scales with end-users’ needs.

The Need for Performance Testing

Before you request a performance testing strategy, you must know the key objectives of performance testing services. Having specific performance testing goals in your mind will help you focus on key areas of improvement and achieve the desired outcomes.

Moreover, pre-defined performance testing objectives result in a better evaluation of software performance and enable you to make informed decisions. Given below are some of the key objectives of software performance testing:
  • To validate system speed.
  • To establish parameters for future regression testing.
  • To ensure compliance with performance goals and requirements.
  • To define key metrics for the application like workload, response time, throughput, and resource utilization.

Benefits of a Performance Testing Strategy

A rigorous software performance strategy helps your team organize the development-related tasks effectively and identify performance issues early. Similarly, you can experiment with various failure and recovery scenarios with an execution strategy that enables you to identify the impact of failure and eliminate any kinds of glitches in the application.

Additionally, you can never ensure the application meets the client’s requirements and business needs unless it is built on a thorough performance testing strategy.

Creating a Rigorous Performance Testing Strategy

To create a comprehensive software performance testing strategy, follow the given steps.

Outline the App’s Key Features

Discuss the key features with your client before launching the app for better results. First of all, you should review traffic analytics for your application by cooperating with your technical team and product owners. This step will provide you with useful information about typical usage patterns that can be used to start performance testing.

Estimate the Anticipated User Load

For projects with multiple production releases, the statistics should provide key details about the peak level of user traffic and the approximate number of users accessing the application. The next step after identifying the key features of your application, you should estimate the predicted user load.

If the predicted load is higher than expected, seek approval from the product owner and use multiple web servers for collecting precise results from the performance tests. The involvement of the product owner is important to get further insight into the varying user count over time, and the users’ concurrency.


Document all details about the performance testing strategy to get a better understanding of the software’s functionality. Once you have outlined the app’s key features and estimated the anticipated user load, the last step is to include strategic testers as a part of technical teams.

Also mention workload criteria, script development, and test execution process that incorporates the pre-test checklist and collection of results. These results provide your technical team with meaningful indicators of improvement that can be used to enhance the quality of your software. A pre-defined and well-organized performance testing strategy should include a project description, key objectives, scope, software & hardware requirements, and metrics.

5 reason why your business needs a software solutions

The use of software for the improvement of services, tasks, and processes, as well as data management in companies, is not something new but increasingly important. Moreover, the business world changes and grows continuously with technology, companies must be aware of these changes and join them so as not to be left behind.

a woman and a man looking at computers

The definitions of software solutions have a lot of but I will introduce for you the new definition of it in 2021.

What is the definition of software solutions in 2021?

A software solution is a program that will perform all the time-consuming tasks and automate regular tasks catering to ease. And, every business whether it is small or big needs custom software to fulfill their specific business requirements. so with our question e need a software solution for business. Let's see

why software solutions?

Many companies may be put off at first by the cost of a custom software application, but the initial investment can be recovered by addressing the unique problems that off-the-shelf options are not able to tackle.

Furthermore, But it is proven that when the software is built to meet the specific needs of a company, the company can accelerate its efficiency and performance and can easily outperform its competitors. So, With a lot of commercially created software, most companies may not feel the need to create their own.

So, Now let's see 5 reason why your business needs a software solutions

1, Custom Software Are More Secure

Improved security offered by a custom-developed application is incomparable with any other commercial software because your software is not available for use for other companies. 

Besides, when your software developer for your company, then external hacking threats are decreased.

2. Lower Costs

Certainly, Every business or company a software sill care about cost and price so I think this is the best reason your company. Developing custom software is very valuable and important for business as it requires less investment as compared to the fixed or available software in the market. And, Do you know about ROI (Return on investment), which one of the principal points that a company craves for. A software solution makes your workflow swift which will increase your ROI.

3. Built According to your Requirements

The choice to work with customized products not only gives you a lot of space and growth possibilities but also means that you take the growth and success of your company seriously. Each business is unique and it is difficult to find a unique solution for everyone when it comes to software.

Furthermore, It is easy to use and can be implemented throughout your organization. And, Custom software development is customized, which means that applications and programs will be completely customized for your company.

4. Safety technical support

I think this reason still important for your company, A great advantage is that you will have access to a technical support team that participated in the application development process, so all your problems will be solved efficiently.

5. Decrease human errors

Finally, With a software solution for your business, you can prevent those mistakes from being fatal to your business. And, When your business operates manually, the chances of human error are much greater. 

So, here are 5 reasons really important so you can understand why your business needs a software solution. Maybe, you soon think this to build a good company in the future


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