Webix Data Visualization features can improve customer

In big companies, such specialists engage with hundreds and thousands of clients every day. The most important thing is to make them return to your company again. Due to the continuously increasing number of interactions with customers from all around the world and their diversity, it’s barely possible to analyze each case individually.

Your business will be able to determine which parts of interactions with customers require your attention and by which measures you can meet the individual needs of your clients. If you ensure that your clients use your products without any inconvenience, the chances that they will spend more time with your business will be pretty high. In such situations, data visualization solutions come to rescue.

Create intuitive tools for customer service

Data visualization tools can help your business to bring customer experience to a whole new level. Also, when you measure customer service performance, you can define issues within your team and fix them before they escalate. Gather this data, process it, develop a strategy of further customer experience improvement, and get back to your clients with a follow-up to show them how you value their opinion. Define how your customers can provide feedback and how you can transform it into a series of measurable indicators.

Nowadays, such software provides AI and machine learning support, which helps to extract important info from the abundance of data with minimum human involvement. Data visualization tools can help you to automate the lion’s share of the mentioned tasks.

Identify those clients who require your involvement

If a problem occurs repeatedly, there’s something wrong with the way of how you provide your services. Your customer service department can track such clients to learn more about the issues they have and define the possible ways of improving customer experience.

Software systems can easily extract them from the rest of your customers and inform you that there’s the need for your attention. In such a case, you must act lightning fast to prevent your customers from choosing another company. Another great opportunity provided by data visualization tools is the identification of customers that regularly experience some issues. 

Become mobile-friendly

You can share the experience of providing your services to people via your website. Besides the use of accumulated data within your company for adapting your business processes to the clients’ behavior, you can use it to attract new customers. 

A colorful informative dashboard can provide potential customers with more useful info than tons of text. Webix is a mobile-friendly library that will help you to leverage from the widespread of such kind of devices. You can create a responsive and adaptive design for your data dashboards and make them work flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Tell everyone how god you are in what you’re doing, how customer satisfaction rates grow from day to day, how you enter new markets and reach new heights. The best way to do so is to create an intuitive visualization of collected data.

Create an interactive customer

The possibility to interact with data and disclose how different data sets interacts on different levels can provide you with new insights on customer experience improvements. According to the features of your business, you may prefer data visualization tools of a specific type.

Let’s say you work in a constantly changing environment. Different data visualization techniques allow achieving the optimal experience. Probably, the best part about modern data visualization tools is that you can go way beyond a simple generation of static tables and graphs.

Entity GG
GG Sheet
GG Doc
GG Slide
GG Form
GG Draw
GG Map
GG Site

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